Summary for December 17 – 23, 2020

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians that are mostly conducted after midnight and in the early morning hours. This week witnessed an escalation in settler attacks, mainly uprooting and cutting trees and seedlings, assaults on civilian houses and vehicles, and assaults on civilians as one was ran over by a car.

Settlers’ attacks peaked on Monday, as the settlers carried out 12 assaults all under IOF protection across the West Bank. Additionally, IOF demolitions of Palestinian homes and properties continued as part of Israel’s de facto annexation and under various pretexts in the West Bank.

This week, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented 193 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by IOF and settlers in the oPt. It should be noted that the limitations due to the corona virus pandemic, has limited PCHR’s fieldworkers mobility and ability to conduct field documentation; therefore, the information contained in this report are only part of the continued IOF violations.

IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

Six civilians, including a child, were wounded during IOF excessive use of force in the West Bank: a child was wounded near the Annexation Wall in Jenin; 4 civilians were wounded in an IOF incursion into Nablus; and a sixth person was wounded in IOF shooting at his vehicle in Hebron before arresting him. Additionally, dozens of civilians suffocated due to tear gas inhalation, which was used by IOF to suppress protests and during incursions into Palestinian cities.

In the Gaza Strip, 6 IOF shootings were reported at civilians, journalists, farmers, shepherds and agricultural lands, and twice at fishing boats eastern and western Gaza Strip.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 68 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 45 Palestinians were arrested, including 6 children and 2 women.


PCHR documented 6 incidents, including:

Occupied East Jerusalem: barn self-demolished, and 2 houses were demolished (one by its owners) in Silwan; two commercial barracks and a wall in Jabal Mokabber and Wadi Jier area were demolished.

Hebron: 2 houses, barracks and water well were demolished in Khirbet al-Simia, west of as-Samu; manual digging equipment and power generator were also confiscated in Khirbet Zanuta, eastern ad-Dhahiriya.


PCHR fieldworkers reported and documented 19 settler-violence incidents:

  • 250 trees uprooted in Kisan village, eastern Bethlehem;
  • Assault on several houses and shepherds and a Palestinian ran over in Hebron;
  • Water irrigation system, and orange trees cut in Khan al-Laban in Nablus;
  • 30 olive tree seedlings cut in Al-Mughayyir, northeastern Ramallah.
  • 50 olive tree seedlings south east of Nablus.

    On Monday, 21 December 2020, witnessed an increase in settler assaults, as PCHR fieldworkers documented 12 assaults, including settler protests, assaults on vehicles and civilians and chanting discriminative slogans across the West Bank.

    Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

    The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the history of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life.

    Meanwhile, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.

    I. Shooting and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

    • At approximately 02:30 on Thursday, 17 December 2020, IOF moved into Ramallah in the center of the West Bank and stationed in ‘Ein Musbah neighborhood. IOF raided and searched Mo’tasem Ayman Zaloum’s (21) house and arrested him, taking him to an unknown destination. When IOF withdrew from the city, a group of Palestinian young men gathered, set fire to tires and threw stones at IOF, who responded with rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
    • At approximately 03:00, a large number of IOF accompanied with dozens of Israeli soldiers and Special Forces moved into Dheisheh refugee camp. IOF raided and searched several houses, from which they arrested Mohammed Suliman Diyrieh (18) and Hussain Eyas Diyrieh (18). Meanwhile, a group of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at IOF, who attacked the protestors, chased them on the camp’s streets and fired heavy teargas canisters in the area. As a result, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation.
    • At approximately 09:30, IOF stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, east of Khan Younis, fired live bullets at a group of journalists, farmers and a staff of the Ministry of agriculture, who were present 200 meters away from the border fence, east of al-Fukhari village, to follow up on the IOF incursion into the area and the warnings they had put on for farmers yesterday. Due to the heavy shooting, the journalists, farmers and staff of the Ministry of agriculture were forced to leave; no casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into ‘Anin village, west of Jenin, north of the West Bank, and stationed near the village’s High School. IOF fired teargas canisters on the school’s yards. As a result, many teachers and students suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
    • At approximately 11:00 on Friday, 18 December 2020, and for the ninth consecutive week, a peaceful protest took off in Beit Dajan village, northeast of Nablus, with the participation of the National Action Factions in Nablus, which started from the village Council heading to the lands under threat of confiscation east of the village. The protesters raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation, settlers, annexation wall and the Deal of Century. When the protestors arrived at the area, they found a large number of Israeli soldiers awaiting them. IOF suppressed the protest and fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, many civilians suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
    • Around the same time, a peaceful protest took off in the center of al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah, at the call of the villagers, towards lands under the threat of confiscation and in protest to the establishment of new settlement outposts in Ras al-Teen area near the eastern entrance to the village. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation, settlers and annexation wall. When the protestors arrived at the area, they found a large number of Israeli soldiers awaiting them. The protestors chanted slogans again against the Israeli occupation and settlers. IOF immediately suppressed the protest and fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protestors. As a result, 4 civilians sustained rubber bullets wounds in their lower extremities and received treatment on the spot. Also, dozens of protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation.
    • At approximately 14:00, a number of Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyia area in the center of Hebron and threw stones at a military checkpoint established at the northern entrance to Hebron, so-called Checkpoint (56). IOF chased the stone-throwers in the village’s market and fired sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, many stone-throwers suffocated due to teargas inhalation. The clashes continued until 17:00; no arrests among the protestors were reported.
    • At approximately 12:00 on Saturday, 19 December 2020, IOF stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, northeast of Deir al-Balah city in the center of Gaza Strip, fired live bullets and teargas canisters at Palestinian shepherds; no casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 14:00, IOF stationed near the annexation wall, west of Araqah village, west of Jenin, north o the West Bank, opened fire at Eyad Ghasan Mohammed Shalameesh (15), from Burqin village, wounding him in his right leg. IOF claimed that he approached the annexation wall halls. Shalameesh was taken to Khalil Suliman Hospital for treatment.
    • At approximately 01:00 on Monday, 21 December 2020, IOF moved into Nablus, north of the West Bank, and stationed on al-Basha Street in Ras al-‘Ein neighborhood, south of the city. IOF raided a 6-storey building belonging to Abu Daher family. Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at IOF vehicles. Violent clashes erupted between IOF and Palestinian young men, resulted in the injury of 4 civilians with Two-Two bullets in their feet. The wounded civilians were taken to Rafidia Hospital for treatment. Before IOF withdrawal, they arrested ‘Anan Saleem Yousef Abu Duhair (43) and took him to his company located on the 2nd floor of the building. IOF searched the company and confiscated a PC set, DVR and some documents.
    • At approximately 06:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha Shore, northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire around them until 07:30, causing fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 12:25, IOF stationed in (16) military site, northeast of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, opened sporadic fire at Palestinian shepherds approached the border fence, causing fear among them and forcing them to flee. Neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
    • At approximately 14:15, IOF stationed in (16) military site, northeast of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, opened heavy fire at Palestinian shepherds approached the border fence, causing fear among them and forcing them to flee. Neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
    • At approximately 22:00, IOF stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, east of al-Bureij refugee camp, opened fire at agricultural lands; no casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 02:00 on Tuesday, 22 December 2020, IOF stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, east of Abu Safia area, east of Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip, opened sporadic fire at the border area; no causalities or material damage were reported.
    • At approximately 08:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha Shore, northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles and opened heavy fire around them until 07:30, causing fear among the fishermen and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 01:00 on Wednesday, 23 December 2020, IOF opened fire at a vehicle belonging to Ahmed Faisal ‘Arafat al-Rajbi, 21, from Bani Na’im village, while present in al-Jalajel area, east of Hebron, wounding him with a live bullet in his back. IOF chased al-Rajbi’s vehicle and detained him for half an hour without providing aid to him. Al-Rajbi was arrested and then taken via an Israeli ambulance. It should be noted that IOF prevented a staff of the Palestine Red Crescent Society from reaching and helping him.

    II. Incursions and Arrests:

    Thursday, 17 December 2020:

    • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Jamal Rabah al-Haj (29). IOF took him to an unknown destination.
    • At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Ras al-Amoud neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Asma’ Mohammed Owais’s (24) house and arrested her. Owais was taken to one of the police stations in the city, she was interrogated for several hours before releasing her. It should be noted that Owais’s brother, Baker Mohammed Owais (22) was arrested 3-weeks ago.
    • At approximately 12:00, IOF arrested Ra’eda Sa’eed al-Khalili (37), while performing prayers at Bab al-Rahma, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. IOF took her to one of the investigation centers in the city, and released her, after several hours of investigation, on conditions that banning her entry to the Al-Aqsa Mosque for a week. It should be noted that al-Khalili was arrested 8 times from the same place.
    • At approximately 19:00, IOF stormed a store in al-Wad street, in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and arrested the store owner’s son, Naji Akram Zughayyar (26).
    • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Birzeit, north of Ramallah; and Aqabat Jabr refugee camp, southwest of Jericho governorate. No arrests were reported.

    Friday, 18 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into al-Eizariya, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Hashem Mohammed Rajabi’s (23) house and arrested him.
    • At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at Mazmouriya checkpoint, east of Bethlehem, arrested Alaa Mansour Khleif (29), while passing through the checkpoint. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
    • At approximately 13:50, IOF stationed at ‘Inab military checkpoint, east of Tulkarem, arrested Zeid As’ad Fuqaha (17), from Anabta, east of Tulkarem. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
    • At approximately 18:00, IOF arrested Tareq al-Joulani (18), while present near Bab al-‘Amoud area in the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF took him to one of the investigation centers in the city.
    • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into Zububa, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Osama Hesham Atatra (37).
    • At approximately 20:00, IOF moved into Zababdeh village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohammed Zeidan ‘Ar’arawi (22).
    • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Jenin and Jaba villages, south of Jenin. No arrested were reported.

    Saturday, 19 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Ameer Sami Abu al-Hawa (19) and Abdul Rahman Eyad al-Hidra (24) and arrested them.
    • At approximately 10:30, IOF arrested Zeid As’ad Foqaha (19), from Anabta, east of Tulkarem, while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services, that recently summon ed him. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
    • At approximately 12:30, IOF arrested Nabil Saleh Abdullah (38), from Kisa village, south of Bethlehem. IOF prosecuted his vehicle near the entrance of al-Maniya village, southeast of the city.
    • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into the eastern neighborhood in Jenin, north of the West Bank. They arrested Yamen ‘Atiq (17) and Ibrahim Taher al-Sa’di (17), while present on the entrance of Ganim evacuated settlement, near the above-mentioned site.
    • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Beit Kahil and al-Shuyukh in Hebron governorate. No arrests were reported.

    Sunday, 20 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Anabta, east of Qalqilia, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mohannad Ahmed Hammad (19).
    • At approximately 01:45, IOF moved into Huwara, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Oday Jamal Owda (19).
    • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Azzun, east of Qalqilia. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Sa’eed Ziyad Abu Haniya (24) and confiscated his vehicle.
    • At approximately 16:00, IOF arrested Mohammed Mousa Obaid (17), while present near the eastern entrance of al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF took him to one of the investigation centers in the city.
    • At approximately 18:00, Israeli Intelligence Services arrested Waheeb Khaled Abu al-Hums (18), from al-‘Isawiya, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. while referring to al-Bareed police station in Salah al-Dein street, that recently summoned him via a phone call. IOF extended his arrest until the next day.
    • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Burin, southeast of Nablus; Hebron, Halhul, Sa’ir and Surif villages in Hebron governorate. No arrests were reported.

    Monday, 21 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Omar Marwan Obaid (20) and Ameen Omar Hamed (24) and arrested them.
    • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ahmed Younis al-Ghoul’s (21) house and arrested him.
    • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Jenin, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mahmoud Kamel al-‘Ayya (36).
    • Around the same time, IOF moved into Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and Yazan Abdul Razek Hannoun (19) and Saber Mohammed Shaqfa (20).
    • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Eizariya, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mo’ayad Ahmed al-Khateeb (26) and Ali Eisa Mamdouh (21), and confiscated a vehicle belonging to Atta Maher Hamdan.
    • At approximately 03:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah governorate. They raided and searched Abdullah Zaghloul al-Na’san’s (25) house and arrested him. Additionally, IOF confiscated a white vehicle holding an unregistered plate belonging to Mansour al-Haj Bishara, a prisoner in the Israeli prisons.
    • At approximately 06:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved 200-meters to the east of al-Shawka village, east of Rafah. They levelled 48-acres of land planted with vegetables, and irrigation networks, and deployed again at approximately 09:00.

      The following are the details of the damages:

      – 5-dunams planted with peas, irrigation network at a 30-dunam land belonging to Nahed Hamdi Madi,
      – 5-dunams planted with peas, irrigation network at a 30-dunam land belonging to Mohammed Hamdi Madi,
      – 5-dunams planted with potatoes, irrigation network at a 30-dunam land belonging to Sameer Hamdi Madi,
      – 7-dunams planted with potatoes, irrigation network at a 40-dunam land belonging to Ishaq Mansour Abu Mo’ammar,
      – 10-dunams planted with potatoes, belonging to Abdullah Mahmoud Matbouli,
      – 8-dunams planted with peas, belonging to Jamal Mohammed Madi, and
      – 8-dunams planted with peas, belonging to Hamad Marzouq Madi.

    • At approximately 12:20, IOF arrested Ahmed Abd Atiya (19) and Hussain Mahmoud Atiya (18), while present near the entrance of al-‘Isawiya, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF took them to one of the police centers in the city.
    • At approximately 15:40, IOF stationed at Ariel rotary, south of Kifl Hares, arrested Ahmed Isma’el Abu Naser, from Dir Istiya, north of Salfit, after chasing him between the olive trees. IOF released him after the intervention of the Palestinian Military Liaison. It should be noted that Ahmed is a person with disability.
    • At approximately 22:30, IOF arrested (3) civilians while present at the Madaris neighborhood, at al-‘Isawiya, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF took them to al-Bareed police center in Salah al-Dein street in Jerusalem. The arrestees are: Mohammed Haitham Mustafa (18), Mohammed Mousa Mostafa (18), and Younis Wissam Abu al-Hums (18).
    • IOF carried out (2) incursions in Tulkarem and Tulkarem refugee camp. No arrests were reported.

    Tuesday, 22 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Abwein, northwest of Ramallah, and stationed in the center of the village. They raided and searched Majdi al-Khayyat’s house, after bombing the main door, and detained all the house members in the balcony, and damaged the house contents. No arrests were reported.
    • At approximately 04:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Dhahiriya, south of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Bassam al-Battat’s (25) house and arrested him.
    • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho; Hebron, Beit Ummar, Adisa, east of Sa’ir, Hadab al-Fawwar village in Hebron governorate. No arrests were reported.

    Wednesday, 23 December 2020:

    • At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Qabatiya, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Mahmoud Omar Sadiq Kmeil’s (17) house, who was killed in 21 December 2020, on grounds of accusing him of carrying out a shooting attack near Bab Hutta in Jerusalem. IOF interrogated Mahmoud’s family for over than an hour. Meanwhile, IOF raided Mohammed Tawfiq Mohammed Kmeil’s (17) house, in the same area, and arrested him.
    • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Salfit, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Nizar Mohammed Darabiya (26), from Gaza living in Salfit.
    • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into al-Arouj village, southeast of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Munir Mohammed Ta’amra’s (37) house and arrested him.
    • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Teqoa, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Qusai Ali Abu Mfarreh’s (18) house and arrested him.
    • At approximately 15:00, IOF arrested Malek Abdul Rahim Sidr (16), while present near Bab al-Rahma, one of the Aqsa Mosqu’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and arrested him.
    • IOF carried out (5) incursions in Mirka, southeast of Jenin, al-Lubban Qablan and SEBASTIA in Nablus; Halhul; and Imreish in Hebron. No arrest were reported.

    III. Settlement Expansion and Settler Violence in the West Bank

    a. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property

    • On Sunday morning, 20 December 2020, ‘Ali Rweidi self-demolished a barrack he uses for grazing animals in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, pursuant to the Israeli Municipality decision for unlicensed construction and banning animal-grazing near houses.

      ‘Ali Rweidi said that he built the barrack 5 years ago on an area of 145 sqm for grazing sheep and chicken. He added that the Israeli Municipality has haunted him since 2016 under the pretext of grazing animals near residential houses in occupied Jerusalem. Only few weeks ago, the municipality crews handed him a notice to demolish his barrack himself or it would and then fine him ILS38,000. Rweidi said that he had to self-demolish the barrack although it is adequately far from the neighbors’ houses and none of them complained. He added that he incurred huge losses as he had to sell the animals less than the original price before demolishing the barrack.

    • At approximately 08:30, IOF backed by military and Israeli Civil Administration vehicles, including an excavator and a bulldozer, moved into Kherbet al-Simiya, west of as-Samu village, south of Hebron. The soldiers deployed in the area and the vehicles started the demolition of 2 houses, a barrack and water well.

      1. Shehdah Rezq al-Qawa’in – An inhabited house (100 sqm), barrack (600 sqm) and water well (300 m³)

      2. Ahmed Soliman al-Qawa’in – An inhabited house (120sqm)

      The demolition was for alleged illegal construction in Area C as an Israeli Civil Administration officer handed the 2 owners notices to stop work 3 years ago. The 2 civilians hired a lawyer to obtain licenses but had not received any response from the competent committee even until the demolition was carried out. It should be noted that the 2 civilians live in Israel and come from time to time to stay in their houses for completing the construction works in the barrack in order to move the sheep there and then permanently stay. Moreover, the Israeli authorities vacated the houses before the demolition.

    • On Monday afternoon, 22 December 2020, Shahirah Ghaith self-demolished her house in Wadi Qaddoum neighborhood in Silwan, southern Old East Jerusalem, pursuant to Israeli Municipality decision for unlicensed construction. Ghaith stated that she separated from her husband 10 years ago and have 5 children, whom she raises on her own. She said that only few months ago, she built the house (70 sqm) of tin plates and 2 rooms with a kitchen and bathroom with her brothers’ help due to her poor economic conditions. She moved in with her family last September; however, the Municipality did not leave her alone and issued a decision to demolish the house. She added that she hired a lawyer to postpone the decision but was surprised with the police officers in the morning surrounding her house. When she asked them why, one of them told her that the Municipality refused to freeze the demolition, so the bulldozers will demolish the house next day and she will be pay the demolition costs (ILS 70,000). She then asked the officers to help them with the demolition to avoid paying the fine.
    • At approximately 10:00 on Tuesday, 22 December 2020, IOF accompanied by a Civil Administration SUV and a truck moved into Kherbet Zanouta, east of ad-Dhahiriya village, south of Hebron. The soldiers deployed at the Kherbet Zanouta’s entrance while the Israeli Civil Administration crew started confiscating hand digging tools, a generator and vehicles belonging to Soliman al-Battat, who was digging a water well in Sho’eib al-Khdeirat’s land. The Civil Administration officer took photos of the area dug and hanged a notice to stop work near it. They then arrested Soliman al-Battat and withdrew, but later released him. It should be noted that the Israeli authorities had noticed a week ago 10 facilities, including residential rooms in al-Kherbeh, allegedly for unlicensed construction.
    • At approximately 11:00, IOF demolished a commercial barrack in Wadi al-Jeer area between Abu Dis and Al-Eizariya villages, east of occupied East Jerusalem, allegedly for unlicensed construction. Mahmoud al-Basha, who owns the barrack, said that the Israeli Municipality demolished a barrack he used for auto-repair and was built of bricks, steel and tin plates on an area of 150 sqm allegedly for unlicensed construction.
    • In the evening, the Israeli Municipality vehicles demolished Kazem Abu Shafe’a’s house in al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. Abu Shafe’a, 28, stated that the IOF accompanied by the Israeli Municipality crews moved into the Al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, and unexpectedly surrounded his house starting to demolish it with light vehicles. Abu Shafe’a added that he built the house on an area of ​​50 sqm last August to live with his wife and two children near his family in the neighborhood. Abu Shafe’a added that he had to build a small unlicensed house consisting of two rooms and utilities, to avoid rented houses, which cost huge amounts of money in Jerusalem. Abu Shafe’a pointed out that the Israeli Municipality crews had raided his house last October and handed him a decision to stop construction works, and after a week they handed him an administrative demolition order for the house. On the same day evening, they raided his house and started the demolition, ordering him to destroy the iron staircase leading to his house; otherwise the crews will return and demolish it.

    b. Settler Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and their Property

    • On Thursday morning, 17 December 2020, Israeli settlers uprooted 250 trees in a Ayoub Youssif ‘Abiyat’s land, in Kisan village, east of Bethlehem. Ahmed Ghazal, Deputy Head of the village council, stated that settlers from “Abbi Nahal” settlement established on Kisan village lands raided the land under the IOF protection, uprooted 250 trees and stayed there for few hours. Ghazal added that the recent escalation of settlers’ attacks aims at seizing lands from Kisan village to annex them to their settlement. He said that the settlers intensified their assaults in the last 2 days as last night they raided the village and threw stones at some houses and attacked farmers and shepherds an hour before using their wild dogs which tore and killed many sheep. As a result, the villagers confronted the settlers and forced them to leave the area.
    • At approximately 01:30 on Friday, 18 December 2020, settlers from “Mitzpe Yair“ settlement outpost established on the Palestinian lands of eastern Yatta, south of Hebron, attacked the 2 houses belonging to Mohammed ‘Ali Jabrin (63) and Isma’il Mohammed Jabrin (53) in Kherbet Sha’b al-Batem in al-Masafer area, east of Yata, south of Hebron. They also assaulted the 2 civilians and insulted them.

      ‘Ali Mohammed Jabrin made the following statement to PCHR fieldworker:

      “I woke up to knocks on my house door. As soon as I had put my clothes on, 2 settlers opened the room door and entered; one of them in his 30s and namely Youssef whom I know. He started shouting at me by asking where his stolen sheep was. I was astonished at his attitude and told him I do not know what he was talking about. My kids woke up and stood at the room corner in fear while the settler kept shouting and was flashing with a torch at me and my kids. He then kicked twice my right leg and asked one of my sons to go to his uncle Ismail who lives near us in order to call the Israeli police. The settler said in Arabic “I will go to Ismail” and then rushed to my brother’s house. I stood at the house door and it was very dark while I could hear screams coming from my brother Ismail’s house. When the settler left, I learnt from my brother that the settler entered the house shouting and woke up his children after disarranging their bed blankets. He also attempted to assault Ismail allegedly searching for stolen sheep.”

    • At approximately 04:30 on Friday, 18 December 2020, five settlers from “Mitzpe Yair“ settlement outpost assaulted ‘Omer Jebril Ahmed Hoshiyah’s (37) house in the Center area, east of Yata, south of Hebron. The settlers severely beat Hoshiyah in front of his family and held him outside for a hour, claiming they were searching for stolen sheep. As a result, Hoshiyah sustained various injuries.

      Samirah Mohammed Rashed Hoshiyah (64) said to PCHR’s fieldworker:

      “I live in the Center area in Masafer Yata with my husband and 37-year-old son and his wife and 3 kids. We live in rooms built of bricks and tin plates. At approximately 04:30, I heard cars’ movement near the house and noticed cars and torches lights, but I did not care about what was going on outside as I thought they were Palestinian workers going to their work in Israel. Shortly, I woke my son ‘Omer to tell him what is going on outside, so their wife and kids woke up as well. Few minutes later, the house door was opened, and we were surprised with 2 settlers in plain clothes screaming in Arabic “where is the master here?” my son approached them, but the 2 settlers pushed him to the ground and started punching him all over his body. I shouted at them, but the settler shut the door. My daughter-in-law and her children started crying. I opened the door again to ask the settlers what they want from him, but none of them answered and took him inside their vehicle; meanwhile, 2 other settlers arrived and opened the sheep barn and searched it. My daughter-in-law and I started taking the sheep back inside and no one spoke to us. This remained until 6:00 when the settlers released my son ‘Omer. His mouth was bleeding and one of his teeth was broken. Later, we learned that settlers were searching for sheep they claim were stolen from them.”

    • Early on the same day, settlers from the “Price Tag” group in “Ma’ale Levona” settlement outpost, which is established on the lands of Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, southeast of Nablus, northern West Bank, attacked Khan al-Laban area, east of the village. The settlers sabotaged the water system there, broke the doors leading to it and broke the orange trees. It should be mentioned that Khan al-Laban is an old building established in the Ottoman era and has been exposed to daily raids by settlers under the protection of the IOF, aiming to seize and connect it with the surrounding settlements in the village.
    • At approximately 19:00, a group of settlers from ” Adei Ad” settlement established on Al Mughayyir village lands, northeast of Ramallah, sneaked into the eastern agricultural area near the eastern entrance to the village. The settlers cut 30 olive seedlings (planted 5 to 6 years ago) belonging to Rawhi Marouh al-Na’san (66). The settlers withdrew back to their settlement.
    • On Sunday, 20 December 2020, settlers from the “Price Tag” groups in “Ahyah” outpost, established on the eastern lands of Jaloud village, southeast of Nablus, uprooted 50 olive seedlings in Mohammed Fawzi Haj Mohammed’s land that were planted only days ago in the eastern village area.
    • At approximately 13:00, settlers from “Mitzpe Yair“ settlement outpost established on the Palestinian lands of eastern Yata, south of Hebron, assaulted ‘Issa Mahmoud Yousif Jabrin (43) while shepherding in al-Zweirah area and forced him to leave with his sheep.

      ‘Issa Jabarin said to PCHR fieldworker:

      “I was shepherding in al-Zweirah area, east of Kherbet Sha’b al-Batm, where I live, when one of the settlers namely Youssef, who is in his 30s and lives in “Mitzpe Yair“ settlement outpost, arrived holding a stick and started hitting the sheep to distance them. When I tried to stop him, he grabbed my neck and tried to chock me. I pushed him away, and he stepped back and did a phone call. Few minutes later, 3 settlers from the same settlement were coming towards me that when I knew the settler Youssef had called them for help in order to attack me. I took my 150 sheep and left the area. Now, I cannot shepherding anymore in fear of the Israeli settlers’ attacks.”

    • At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 21 December 2020, settlers from “Asfar” settlement established on the eastern lands of Sa’ir village, north of Hebron, attacked shepherds who were in al-Qanoun area and unleashed their dogs towards the shepherds, forcing them to leave the area to their houses. Two settlers’ vehicles them chased the shepherds to their houses in al-Qanun area, and when young men present there attempted to stop the settlers, a setter’s vehicle ran over Subhi Mohammed ‘Abdel Fattah Shalaldah (33) and threw him on the street. As a result, Shalaldah sustained bruises all over his body. This area has been under the attacks of “Asfar” settlers, particularly shepherds.
    • At approximately 15:30 on Monday 21 December 2020, settlers crowded at the entrance to “Shavei Shomron” settlement that connects Nablus and Tulkarem, west of Nablus. The settlers rioted the streets and threw stones at the Palestinian civilian cars traveling on the street. As a result, Sadeq Sedqi Sadeq Khatatbah (24), from Beit Foriq village, northeast of Nablus, was hit with a stone in the head while traveling his car on the street and then taken to Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus, where his wound required 10-15 stitches and had a puffed left eye.
    • At approximately 16:30, groups of settlers gathered at the intersection of Kufur Qaddoum village, north of Salift, to provoke the Palestinians traveling their cars near the intersection and later withdrew.
    • At approximately 17:00, tens of settlers from “Givat Harsina and Kiryat Arba” settlements established on the Palestinian lands of eastern Hebron closed the Bypass Road (60) leading to Hebron. The settlers threw stones at the Palestinian vehicles before the very eyes of the IOF and Israeli police, who tried to provide protection for them. At approximately 18:00, a settler attacked with stones a truck travelled by Mohammed Ziad al-Tmeizi (35) from Ethna village, west of Hebron and his nephew, MAhmpud Ayatullah al-Tmeizi (13) near the intersection of Deit ‘Aynoun. As a result, the rear window’s glass was broken and shattered to wound the child in his forehead. Al-Tmeizei had to pull his car over and informed the Israeli police about what happened. He then took his nephew to al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron for treatment while the road remained close in front of the Palestinian vehicles until late at night.
    • At approximately 19:00, tens of settlers gathered near Huwara checkpoint and at the intersection of “ Yitzhar” settlement, southeast of Nablus, and rioted on the street. They mobbed on the main street in Huwara village chanting in Hebrew “Death to Arabs” and this village belongs to them and provoking Muslims by saying “Allahu Akbar.”
    • At approximately 19:10, settlers gathered at Za’tarah intersection, south of Nablus, and threw stones at the Palestinian vehicles traveling by. At approximately 23:10, the settlers withdrew, and no damage to the vehicles was reported.
    • In the evening, groups of settlers gathered to riot the streets, intersections and roads to the Palestinian villages of al-Mughayyir, Taybeh, Beitin, Burqa, and ‘Ayoun al-Haramiyah (on the main Ramallah-Nablus Street) in Ramallah and al-Bireh, but no casualties were reported.
    • At approximately 23:30 on Tuesday, 22 December 2020, settlers on Ramallah-Nablus Street near Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus, attacked with sticks and stones a Skoda black car travelled by Eyad ‘Eid Sa’id from al-Mughayyir village, northeast of Ramallah. They severely beat him with the sticks, causing him bruises and wounds all over his body and damage to his car and its all four windows. The settlers later withdrew to ” Eli” settlement established on the lands of Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village.

    Click to read the full report

    By PCHR