The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) Weekly Report of Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory for June 10 – 16, 2021

Israeli forces continued to commit crimes and multi-layered violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians that are mostly conducted after midnight and in the early morning hours. This week, soldiers killed 7 Palestinians, including 2 children and 2 women who were killed near military checkpoints, as IOF continues to adopt its “shoot to kill” policy, particularly near checkpoints and areas with military presence. Since the beginning of this year, PCHR documented the killing of 12 Palestinians, including 3 women and a child, on Israeli military checkpoints and other areas with military presence, mostly for alleged stab-attacks without the presence of a serious threat to soldiers’ lives.

The army continued its raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse, and attacks on civilians; while occupied East Jerusalem witnessed the largest share of IOF attacks with recurrent settler-raids, the organization of the March of the Flags which included wide-scale attacks on Palestinian civilians and the arrest of dozens. Also the occupation state maintained its demolition and razing activities against Palestinians’ properties and settlers launched attacks on Palestinians and their properties. The occupation maintained its collective punishment policy on the Gaza Strip, keeping both Beit Hanoun and Karm Abu Salem crossings shut, with limited operation for conditional exceptional cases.

IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

7 Palestinians were killed in Nablus in the a excessive use of lethal force in the West Bank, including 2 women, 2 children, and 2 members of Palestinian security services. In Gaza, a Palestinian man died of wounds sustained in the Israeli military aggression on Gaza between May 10 and May 21. Also, 19 Palestinians were wounded, including 4 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, 3 were wounded in Jenin, and one of them was arrested, another was wounded in Silwad, Ramallah; 3 sustained wounds in army attacks on a peaceful protest in Kufur Qaddoum, Qalqilia, including a child; 6 were wounded in the army’s suppression of peaceful protests in Jabal Sbaih, including 3 children. Another man was wounded in Jerusalem, and another critically wounded before his arrest in Jericho. In the Gaza Strip, 4 Palestinians were wounded in eastern Khan Younis. Dozens suffocated due to tear gas inhalation, fired by the army in its attacks in the West Bank.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

The Israeli forces carried out 101 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, enticing fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 127 Palestinians were arrested, including 11 children, 4 women, and 2 wounded persons.

In the Gaza Strip, the army conducted a limited incursion into eastern Rafah; and arrested 3 Palestinians, including 2 children, after crossing the border fence during a protest in eastern Khan Younis.


PCHR fieldworkers documented 3 violations:

    Occupied East Jerusalem: agricultural room and lands razed in al-‘Isawiya.

    Ramallah: 3 residential tents, and a sheep barn (with 180 livestock), dismantled and confiscated; IOF also confiscated a water tank and 3 solar panels in Ramun.

    Nablus: 3 commercial facilities demolished (tin-plate roof and made of bricks).


PCHR fieldworkers reported and documented 2 attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

    Bethlehem: 450 vines destroyed in al-Khader with poisonous pesticides.

    Nablus: 46 olive trees damaged and destroyed in Burin.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

The Israeli authorities continued to impose collective punishments against the people of the Gaza Strip by closing Karm Abu Salem and Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossings (with partial operation). Authorities closed both crossings at the beginning of its military aggression on Gaza on 10 May 2021, and partially opened them for a few days after a ceasefire was declared on 22 May 2021. This comes in a time where The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the history of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life.

Meanwhile, Authorities continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.

I. Shooting and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity
  • On Thursday dawn, the Israeli Forces shot dead 3 Palestinians, including 2 security officer and the third was an Islamic Jihad operative, while 2 others were injured; one was a security officer, and the other was an operative who was arrested after his injury. According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 01:30 on Thursday, 10 June 2021, an Israeli Special Force sneaked into Jenin-Nazareth Street, north of Jenin, and stationed near the Palestinian Intelligence Headquarter on the street. The Israeli Special Force opened fire at a Palestinian vehicle, where 2 persons were inside near the headquarters. Fire exchanged between the Israeli Special Force and Palestinian Intelligence officers, who were on duty and went out to deal with the shooting near their security headquarter. As a result, 2 Intelligence officers were killed and a third one was injured. The officers killed were identified as: lieutenant Adham Yasser Tawfiq ‘Aleiwi (33), from al-Makhfiyeh neighborhood in Nablus, who was shot with a bullet in the head, and Taysir Mahmoud ‘Othman ‘Issa (33), from Sanour village, southeast of Jenin, who was shot with a bullet in the back. Also, their colleague Mohammed Samer Mneizel al-Bzour (23), a captain from al-Matalah area in Jenin, was wounded with bullets in the chest and abdomen and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Dr. Khalil Soliman Governmental Hospital due to his serious condition. Few minutes later, Israeli military backups arrived via al-Jalamah checkpoint and secured the withdrawal of the Special Force. They also took the vehicle that was shot in the beginning as well as the persons who were targeted inside. Later, the army declared that one of the persons killed was Jamil Basem Ibrahim ‘Amouri (24) and his body was kept in custody while the other, who was injured, was identified as Wissam Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Zaid (23) and was arrested and taken to an unknown destination. Both were Islamic Jihad operatives.

    According to the Israeli “Yedioth Ahronoth” Newspaper, IOF’s initial investigation said that an undercover force from the Yamam Border Police counterterrorism unit surrounded 2 persons inside a vehicle in Jenin to arrest them, claiming the latter wanted to carry out a shooting attack in the coming days. Meanwhile, one of them tried to escape on foot while the other tried to escape in the vehicle; thus, the Israeli Force opened fire at them, wounding them both. The Newspaper added that Jamil al-‘Amouri died on the spot while his colleague Wissam was injured and then arrested by the Israeli Forces. The army claimed they found military equipment, including a bulletproof vest, ammunition, and a weapon.

    According to the same newspaper, the Israeli Forces did not coordinate the raid with the Palestinian Security and once the Force wanted to withdraw from the scene, it was exposed to heavy gunfire that was apparently from 3 Palestinian security officers, who did not recognize the Israeli forces. The newspaper added that the Israeli force responded with fire and killed 2 of the officers and seriously injured a third one.

  • At approximately 10:00, coinciding with holding a court session to consider the eviction of Baten al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan village in favor of settlement associations, soldiers arrested 3 Palestinians while suppressing a protest organized in solidarity with Ghaith and Abu Nab families in front of the Israeli District Court on Salah al-Deen Street, in the center of occupied East Jerusalem.

    Zuhair al-Rajbi, head of Baten al-Hawa village’s committee, said that army suppressed a protest organized in front of the Israeli District Court and beat Palestinian protestors and activists. He added that the army arrested Basel Doweek, ‘Adel al-Selwadi and Nizam Abu Romuz while participating in the protest and took them to a detention facility in the city. Al-Rajbi pointed out that the Israeli District Court’s judges decided to refer Salem Ghaith and Jawad Abu Nab’s cases to the legal Adviser to the Israeli government, Avichai Mandelblit, and delay the consideration of these cases until 08 July 2021. It should be noted that Israeli associations claimed the ownership of Jews from Yemen over a plot of land (5 dunums and 200 square meters) in Baten al-Hawa neighborhood. Additionally, 86 families of 1300 members are under the threat of forced displacement from their houses established on this plot of land.

  • At approximately 16:00, the army suppressed a peaceful protest organized by dozens of Palestinian young men in Bab al-‘Amoud area in central occupied East Jerusalem, protesting at raiding Bab al-‘Amoud area by the Israeli Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, who raised the Israeli flag under the occupation force’s intense protection. During the protest, soldiers fired rubber bullets and teargas canisters at the protestors and severely beat them. Also, the army arrested 30 Palestinians, including a child, and took them to al-Bareed Police Center on Salah al-Deen Street.

    It should be noted that Ben Gvir called Israeli settlers to organize the March of Flags, which passes through Arabs villages in occupied East Jerusalem towards al-Boraq (Wailing Wall), and to raid al-Aqsa Mosque in response to cancel the protest earlier. Accordingly, Palestinian young men called for confronting the settlers’ raids in Bab al-‘Amoud area, organizing a peaceful protest and raising Palestinian flags. When the Israeli Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir arrived at Bab al-‘Amoud area, Palestinian protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans. Soldiers immediately suppressed them, beat them, fired sound bombs and rubber bullets at them, and pumped wastewater at them to vacate the area completely and secure Ben Gvir along with a group of settlers while present in the area. When Israeli settlers stormed Bab al-‘Amoud area, they cursed Palestinian young men and deliberately obstructed journalists’ work by putting their hats in front of their cameras. Moreover, the army, who provided full protection for settlers, detained a number of Palestinian protestors in control rooms established at the entrances to Bab al-‘Amoud area, severely beat them and pepper-sprayed them.

    Lawyer Feras al-Jebraini said that the army arrested at least 20 Palestinians from Bab al-‘Amoud area. He clarified that that the detainees were transferred to Salah al-Deen Street police station, and then to the “Nabi Yacoub and Oz” centers for interrogation. He pointed out that many detainees were accused of assaulting the police officer, Special Forces and an Israeli settler, in addition to participating in the clashes erupted in the area. Al-Jebraini added that a number of detainees sustained wounds in their faces and chest and received treatment later. He also said that the detainees were identified as ‘Amer Bader, ‘Abed al-Rahman al-Bukhari, Laith Abu Kaf, Na’iem al-Natsha, Sameer Sarhan, Loai al-Rajbi, Eyad Abu Subeih, Qasem al-Desi, Mohammed al-Fakhouri, Loai al-Qare’, Mahmoud Muhssain, Mahmoud al-Kaswani, Thair Qara’een, Bashar Shoki, Khaled al-Salimah, ‘Abdullah Jaber, Raied al-Sayyad, and Ramzi Mansour.

  • At approximately 22:00 on Thursday, soldiers backed by two military vehicles moved into Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron, and stationed near UNRWA school. They deployed in the area and fired teargas canisters at Palestinian young men gathered on a public street, under the pretext of throwing stones at them. As a result, some of the young men suffocated due to teargas inhalation. Later, the army withdrew, and no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 12:00 on Friday, 11 June 2021, a peaceful protest took off from the central of Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah, towards the eastern entrance to the village, against the detention of Palestinians’ corpses. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the occupation. When the protestors arrived at the village’s eastern entrance, the army, stationed on street “60”, which is located near “Ofra“ settlement in eastern Ramallah, fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. Afterwards, violent clashes erupted between them. As a result, a 22-year-old male was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet in his head and taken to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. Also, dozens of protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
  • At approximately 13:00, the army stationed at the northern entrance to Kufur Qaddoum village, north of Qalqilia, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of Palestinians. The army chased Palestinians, clashed them, and fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, an 8-year-old child was shot with a rubber bullet in his foot and a 30-year-old man sustained shrapnel wounds, causing laceration in his thigh.
  • On Friday, in a new crime of excessive use of lethal force, the Israeli army killed a Palestinian child, and injured 5 others, including 2 children, during the suppression of a peaceful protest against settlement expansion in Beita village, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank.

    According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), at approximately 13:00 on Friday, 11 June 2021, and for the 6th consecutive week, a peaceful protest took off from central Beita village, southeast of Nablus, towards Subeih Mount, south of the village, where IOF established “Evyatar” settlement outpost a month ago. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation and settlers. When the protestors arrived at Subeih Mount, where a large number of soldiers stationed, the latter indiscriminately opened fire at the protestors. Afterwards, violent clashes erupted, during which, the protestors threw stones at IOF who responded with live and rubber bullets, stun grenades and teargas canisters. The clashes continued until 17:30. As a result, a Palestinian teenager namely Mohammed Sa’ied Mohammed Hamayil (16), from Beita village, was shot dead with a live bullet, which penetrated his right armpit and then his chest and exited his left arm. Hamayil drew his last breath in the emergency department at Rafidia Governmental Hospital. Moreover, 5 other Palestinians, including 2 children, were injured. Moreover, many protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation.

    Hamayil was the 3rd Palestinian killed by Israeli soldiers during the suppression of peaceful protests against settlement expansion in Subeih Mount as on 14 May 2021, IOF shot dead ‘Issa Suliman Barham Dawoud (38), a prosecutor in Salfit District Court, with a live bullet in the chest. Also, on 28 May 2021, IOF shot dead Zakaria Maher Falah Hamayil (26) with a live bullet in his head during the suppression of a protest in Subeih Mount.

  • At approximately 13:00 on Saturday, 12 June 2021, soldiers stationed at the northern entrance to Kafr Qaddum village, north of Qalqilya, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of Palestinians. Soldiers chased Palestinians, clashed with them, and fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at them. As a result, a 47-year-old man was shot with a rubber bullet in his thigh.
  • On Saturday, a Palestinian woman shot dead by an Israeli Security guard and was left bleeding to death at Qalandia checkpoint, north of occupied East Jerusalem, claiming she attempted to carry out a stabbing attack. According to PCHR’s investigations, the woman did not pose imminent threat to the soldiers’ lives and could have been controlled without use of excessive force. According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 13:10 on Saturday, 12 June 2021, an Israeli security guard opened fire at a woman approaching them at Qalandia checkpoint and wounded her immediately. She fell on the ground, and IOF left her bleeding to death without providing her first aid. They kept her body in custody, and she was later identified as Ibtisam Khaled Ka’abnah (28), a mother of a child and lived in Jericho.

    In its statement, the army claimed that a Palestinian woman approached the vehicles path at Qalandia military checkpoint and ran with a knife towards the Israeli forces stationed there; however, an Israeli civilian security guard realized what was going on and asked her to stop many times. She kept walking towards them, and the guard fired several bullets at her.

    Many videos showed how soldiers blocked medics’ access to the wounded woman, who fell on the ground helplessly for more than half an hour. Afterwards, IOF searched her clothes, covered her body and then took her away, amid complete closure of the checkpoint.

  • At approximately 08:00 on Sunday, 13 June 2021, IOF stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, opened fire at agricultural lands in Khuzaʽa village, east of Khan Younis. The IOFs shooting continued for few minutes and no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 04:30 on Monday, 14 June 2021, IOF backed by military vehicles moved into al-Jiftlik village, north of Jericho, and stationed in the western neighborhood. Soldiers deployed between residential houses and patrolled the area, causing fear among the villagers. A number of Israeli soldiers raided and searched houses and locked its residents in one room. The soldiers also used sniffer dogs to search agricultural lands surrounding these houses. During which, a number of Palestinian young men gathered and threw stones and empty bottles at military vehicles. The army immediately assaulted the protestors, chased them between residential houses and fired rubber and live bullets, teargas canisters and sound bombs at them. As a result, Ahmed ‘Abed al-‘Aziz ‘Atawnah (35) was shot with 3 live bullets in his abdomen and waist. The army arrested ‘Atawnah and took him via a military plane to an Israeli hospital. They also arrested ‘Abed al-‘Aziz Mohammed ‘Atawnah (16).
  • On Tuesday morning, 15 June 2021, Israeli police reinforced its forces in occupied East Jerusalem, specifically around the Old City, and turned it to a military barrack as a prelude to organize and secure March of the Flags, in which thousands of Israeli settlers participate, to celebrate the anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem according to the Hebrew calendar. The march was organized upon an approval from the Israeli Minister of Internal Security, Omer Bar-Lev, noting that the march was postponed on 10 May 2021, due to the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip and firing rockets towards occupied East Jerusalem by Palestinian armed groups. IOF intensified the number of soldiers whether in civilian clothes or in military uniform, reinforced the rapid intervention units, deployed more than 2500 police officers in the area, placed iron barriers at Bab al-‘Amoud entrance, at all the Old City gates and on the main streets such as al-Sultan Suliman and Salah al-Deen Streets. They also forced shops’ owners to close their shops in Bab al-Khalil, al-Haser Market and on al-Wad Street. On the other hand, youth movements and national and Islamic factions called Palestinians to confront the March of flags. Dozens of Palestinians responded to the calls made by these movements and factions and gathered in Bab al-‘Amoud yard at approximately 15:00, but soldiers forcefully suppressed and dispersed them towards Nablus and Sultan Suliman Streets. IOF also beat the protestors and arrested some of them. The army’s suppression against Palestinians continued until 18:00. It should be noted that thousands of Israeli settlers raided Bab al-‘Amoud yards and its stairs while raising Israeli flags and chanting racist slogans, such as “Death to the Arabs”. The settlers also cursed the Prophet Muhammad, assaulted press crews, and threw water bottles and stones at them. They also assaulted and pushed an elderly woman namely Fatima Khader, so she fainted. Forty minutes later, the March of flags headed towards al-​Boraq (Wailing Wall) through Bab Al-Khalil and passing from the Christian and Jewish neighborhoods, not through the Islamic neighborhood as usual. Following the March, a number of Palestinians gathered in Bab al-‘Amoud yard, chanted national slogans and cleaned the area before suppressing and forcibly dispersing them by soldiers, who flooded the area with wastewater. In Omar Ibn al-Khattab yard in the vicinity of Bab Al-Khalil inside Jerusalem’s walls, hundreds of settlers protested, chanted slogans against Arabs and damaged Palestinians’ properties in al-Haser Market and at Bab al-Selselah. During which, hand-to-hand fighting erupted between the Palestinians and settlers on al-Wad Street and in al-Selselah and ‘Aqabet al-Khalidiyia neighborhoods. Afterwards, the army intervened to secure the settlers and arrested 3 Palestinians. Violent clashes then erupted outside the Jerusalem’s walls, particularly on Sultan Suliman, Salah al-Deen, al-Zahraa’ and Nablus Streets. During which, the army fired live and rubber bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters at Palestinians. As a result, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet while present in al-Mosrarah Market adjacent to Nablus Street. Also, over 30 Palestinians sustained wounds and bruises due to soldiers’ attacks and received treatment on the spot. In the evening, the clashed between the Palestinians and settlers spread to many neighborhoods in Jerusalem, especially in Wadi al-Joz, al-Tur, al-Sawwana and al-Isawiya. During those clashes, soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse the protestors. Moreover, Israeli police stated that they arrested 26 Palestinians during the clashes erupted to confront the March of flags. PCHR keeps the names of the arrestees. It is noteworthy that the Zionist religious settlement youth movement has been organizing the March of Flags for nearly 30 years. Tens of thousands of settlers participate in this march while raising Israeli flags, chanting racist slogans against Arabs and Palestinians and wandering occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City streets in an attempt to consolidating the idea of unifying West and East Jerusalem under the full Israeli control.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Tuesday, a group of Palestinians gathered near the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, adjacent to Khuzaʽa village in eastern Khan Younis. The Palestinians approached the border fence and attempted to rip parts of the barbed wire. Other Palestinians threw stones at IOF stationed along the fence. IOF fired live bullets and teargas canisters at them. The clashes continued for several hours. As a result, 3 Palestinians were shot with live bullets in their limbs and were taken to the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis. Also, the army arrested 3 Palestinians, including 2 children, while attempting to pass through the fence. The arrestees were identified as Hasan Bassam Mohammed Abu Tibah (17), Moayad Mahmoud Sami al-Breem (17) and Kamal Mahmoud Mohammed al-Breem (18). All of them are from Bani Suheila village in eastern Khan Younis. At approximately 21:00, a group of Palestinian youths gathered near the border fence, adjacent to Khuzaʽa village in eastern Khan Younis, after resuming the “Night Confusion” activities. They threw fireworks in the air and set fire to tires. The army responded with live bullets. As a result, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in his lower limb. At approximately 08:30, the army released the mentioned arrestees.
  • At approximately 17:00, soldiers stationed along the Gaza’s border fence with Israel, east of al-Shawka village, east of Rafah, opened fire and fired teargas canisters at dozens of Palestinian young men who protested along the border fence and set fire to tires. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 17:45, medical sources at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, declared the death of Moayad Ahmed Mohammed Hamdan (36), from al-Sekka Street in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, succumbing to wounds he sustained during the latest Israeli offensive on Gaza. According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 17:30 on Thursday, 13 May 2021, Israeli warplanes fired 3 missiles at Mousa Reda Hamad’s 3-story house on Qa’ al-Beer Street. As a result, 3 persons, including Hamdan, were wounded. It should be noted that Hamdan was walking on the street when Hamad’s house was targeted. The wounded were taken to Beit Hanoun Hospital for treatment. Medical sources at the hospital described Hamdan’s injury as serious. He sustained shrapnel wound in his head, and he was referred for al-Shifa Hospital, where he remained in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) until his death was announced.
  • At approximately 19:30 on Tuesday, 15 June 2021, soldiers stationed near the annexation wall in Jalamah village, north of Jenin, opened fire near the wall. As a result, a 22-year-old male was shot with a live bullet in his hand and was taken to Khalil Suliman Hospital.
  • On Tuesday, dozens of Palestinians, from Bethlehem, organized a peaceful protest in front of a metal detector gate fixed on the annexation wall from the northern side, protesting at organizing the March of Flags in occupied East Jerusalem. The protestors raised Palestinian flags and chanted national slogans. In the meantime, Israeli patrols arrived at the area and fired rubber bullets and teargas canisters at them. Afterwards, separate clashes erupted near the military checkpoint (300) and continued for several hours. As a result, dozens of protestors suffocated due to teargas inhalation and received treatment on the spot.
  • At approximately 11:00 on Wednesday, 16 June 2021, soldiers killed a Palestinian woman near the entrance to Hizma village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of carrying out run-over and stabbing attacks. According to PCHR’s follow up, the army fired several live bullets at Mai Khaled Yousef ‘Afana (29) near the entrance to Hizma village. As a result, Mai was wounded with live bullets and was left bleeding to death as the army prevented medical crews from helping her. The army claimed in a statement published in Israeli media that Mai attempted to carry out a run-over attack against Israeli soldiers who were present near annexation wall, near Hizma village. They added that Mai stepped out of her car and attempted to carry out a stabbing attack, so Israeli soldiers opened fire at her, wounding her with live bullets before her death was announced later. Hani ‘Afana, Mai’s cousin, said that Mai was a psychologist, and she recently received her PhD degree from Mu’tah University in Jordan. He added that Mai worked at the Faculty of Humanities at Al-Istiqlal University in Jericho, and she was married and mother of a 4-year-old girl. Hani pointed out that the Israeli intelligence service phoned his brother Khaled to inform him about the death of his daughter and summoned him for investigation. This incident is part of an Israeli constant policy of using excessive force, particularly the shoot-to-kill policy against the suspects at the checkpoints and near the Israeli position points. ‘Afana is the 2nd Palestinian that was killed during this week. Since the beginning of the year, PCHR documented the killing of 12 Palestinians, including 3 women and a child, at the Israeli checkpoints and position points; most of them were killed allegedly for attempting to carry out a stabbing attack without imminent threat to the soldiers’ lives.
  • At approximately 15:00, a group of Palestinian young men and children gathered in central of Beita village, southeast of Nablus, and headed towards Subeih Mount, south of the village, where the army established a “Evyatar “ settlement outpost few weeks ago. They gathered in the western side of Subeih Mount area to protest against the establishment of “Evyatar “settlement outpost and set fire to tires. The army indiscriminately opened fire at them. Afterwards, violent clashes erupted in the area, during which, the protestors threw stones at the army, who responded with live and rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and teargas canisters. The clashes continued until 17:50. As a result, Ahmed Zahi Ibrahim ‘Issa Dawoud (16) was shot with a live bullet in his head and was taken to Rafidia Hospital, where he was admitted to a surgical operation room due to his critical health condition. At approximately 03:00 on Thursday, 17 June 2021, medical sources declared that death of Dawoud.
  • II. Incursions and arrests
      Thursday, 19 June 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, the army moved into Eizariya, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. They launched sound bombs and teargas canisters, raided and searched the house of the journalist, Anan Eisa Najeeb (48), from Beit Hanina, north of the occupied East Jerusalem, who was exiled from Jerusalem last year for 6 months and extended the decision under the pretext that he poses a security threat to the State of Israel. It should be noted that Najeeb is a former prisoner in the Israeli prisons, and he was re-arrested several hours before ending the second exile period.
  • At approximately 02:30, the army moved into Silwad, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched Zeyad Abdul Jalil Hamed’s (58) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, the army moved into al-Fawaghera neighborhood in Bethlehem. They raided and searched Ibrahim Mohammed Soman’s (30) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, soldiers moved into Jaba’, south of Jenin. They raided and searched Izz al-Dein Freihat Fashafisha’s (22) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 15:30, soldiers arrested Naser Nabil Jaber (32), from Tulkarem, while referring to the Israeli Intelligence Services on a prior summons.
  • At approximately 19:00, soldiers moved into Batin al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ra’ed Hazem al-Sayyad’s (16) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 19:30, soldiers established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of al-Zawiya village, south of Jenin. Before removing the checkpoint, The army arrested Ahmed Ali Mousa (22) and li Mohammed Mousa (23), from Mirka village, southwest of Jenin, and took them to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 23:05, soldiers established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Beita, southeast of Nablus. Before removing the checkpoint, they arrested Ahmed Ashraf Abu Thyab (17), from Beita, and took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out (4) incursions in Hebron, Halhul, Aroub refugee camp and Tarrama, in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Friday, 11 June 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, soldiers moved into Harmala, Rafidia, Beit Falouh, and Rakhma villages in Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians; Mousa Ahmed al-‘Arouj (21), Mousa Raja al-‘Arouj (19), Abdul Rahman Ra’ed al-‘Arouj (18) and Shaher Hasan al-‘Arouj (22).
  • At approximately 02:00, soldiers moved into Bab Huta neighborhood, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched Ni’man Nidal Wazwaz’s (21) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 07:00, soldiers moved into Batin al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Tha’er Qara’een’s (47) house and arrested him. The soldiers claimed that he assaulted an Israeli settler in the city.
  • At approximately 08:00, soldiers arrested Mohammed Salhab (20), from the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, while heading to work. The army took him to one of the investigation centers in the city.
  • At approximately 12:00, the army arrested Ammar Yaser Hammad (26), from Qalqilia, while entering the Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City and took him to one of the investigation centers in the city.
  • At approximately 13:00, the army arrested (3) children after getting out of the Aqsa Mosque in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. The army took them to one of the detention centers in the city, and then they released on conditions of the house arrest for 5 days, ban their entry to the occupied Jerusalem’s Old City for 15 days and pay a bail of (300 NIS). The arrestees are: Mohammed Anwar al-‘Abbasi (15), Adam Samer al-‘Abbasi (13) and Yousef Ahmed al-Tawil (15).
  • At approximately 19:45, the army established a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Sarra village, branching from Nablus-Qalqilia Street, southwest of Nablus. Before removing the checkpoint, soldiers arrested Hamza Suleiman Hashash (22) and his brother, Mo’ath (24), from Balata refugee camp, east of the city. The army took them to unknown destinations.
  • At approximately 20:00, IOF moved into Batin al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ahran Abu Jom’a’s (22) house and arrested him.
  • Israeli soldiers carried out (2) incursions in Yatta and Tarqumiyah in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Saturday, 12 June 2021:
  • At approximately 01:30, Israeli soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into the southern side of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested Mahmoud Shabana al-Tamimi (39), and Firas Wa’el Abu Sharekh (46).
  • At approximately 17:00, soldiers established a temporary military checkpoint at the eastern entrance of Qalqilya, and arrested Abdullah Ya’qoub Sweidan (17), from Azzun, east of Qalqilya.
  • At approximately 20:00, soldiers stormed lajee center (for training and development of children in the camp) in Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. IOF arrested (3) children inside the camp: Imran Mahmoud Baraqi’a (14), Ahmed Zakariya Baraqi’a (15) and Abdullah Mohammed Abu Srour (14).
  • At approximately 22:00, Israeli Special Forces severely assaulted, and arrested (3) civilians while present near al-Maqassed Hospital in al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and took them to one of the detention centers in the city. The arrestees are: Lo’ay al-Kaswani (22), Abdullah al-Hidra (25) and Rami Salah al-Dein (21).
  • Israeli soldiers carried out (3) incursions in Bani Na’im, Beit Ummar and Halhul villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Sunday, 13 June 2021:
  • At approximately 02:30, Israeli soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into several neighborhoods in Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Na’eem Nabil al-Natshah (62), and handed Nawah Abdul Khaliq Qfaisha (49), Naji Ali Abu Khalaf (42) and Abdul Aziz Mahmoud al-Hadad (46) summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 03:30, The arm, reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Jihad Mahmoud Jaradat’s (39) house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of Bethlehem.
  • At approximately 04:30, the army moved into Deir Abu Masha’al village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested 2 civilians including a child. The arrestees are: Anwar Safi Atta (17), and Khaled Ahmed al-Masri (27).
  • Around the same time, soldiers moved into Rantis village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched Islam Majed Dannoun’s (26) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 05:00, Israeli soldiers moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Faris Harbi Dari’s (26) house and arrested him. It should be noted that Dari is a former prisoner who was released 2 days ago after spending 2 years in the Israeli prisons.
  • In morning hours, soldiers banned a local bazaar which was planned to take a place in Beit Hanina, north of the occupied East Jerusalem, as part of the “National Economic Week” events, which was organized by activists and commercial entities in Jerusalem. Soldiers claimed that the Bazaar was banned because it was sponsored by the Palestinian Authority.

    The Beit Hanina Charitable Association stated that the soldiers informed them that the Bazaar which supposed to be held in Beit Hanina neighborhood from (11:00 to 17:00) is cancelled. Also, the Israeli army, stationed at Qalandia military checkpoint, confiscated musical equipment belonging to one of the artists who was on his way to participate in the bazaar. It should be noted that the bazaar was part of the “National Economic Week” event, aimed to promote local products and small businesses, including handicrafts, homemade food, products from farmers’ lands, musical events, and clowns. After cancelling the bazaar, the organizers of the “National Economic Week” campaign stated that: “the Israeli police informed them that the bazaar was cancelled, and they must ask their permission to hold any event, under their complete supervision and restrictions”. The bazaar organizers considered that taking the Israeli permission before holding any bazaar constitute a form of restricting the Palestinian existence in the occupied East Jerusalem and depriving it of any economic perspective.

  • At approximately 08:00, the army moved into Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Hamza al-Rajabi (19) and Adnan al-Rajabi (21) and handed them summonses to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
  • At approximately 16:00, soldiers moved into the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Malik Basem Asaliya’s (19) house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in al-Kishle investigation canter.
  • Soldiers carried out (2) incursions in al-Shuyukh and Dura villages in Hebron. No arrests were reported.
    1. Monday, 14 June 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, soldiers moved into Wadi Abu Fariha area, north of Beit Sahour, north of Bethlehem governorate. They raided and searched Saber Ibrahim Abayat’s (29) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Bayt Ula, west of Hebron. They raided and searched Jamal Awni al-‘Adam’s (40) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:40, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Omar Adnan Jaradat’s (20) house and arrested him. It should be noted that Jaradat is suffering from electrical shocks in the body which require a special medical care.
  • At approximately 03:00, soldiers reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Karmel, southeast of Yatta. They raided and searched Montaser Ya’qoub Abu Arram’s (30) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:30, soldiers moved into Jaba’ village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Issam Khaled Fashafisha (22) and Malik Taleb Hamamera (22) and arrested them.
  • Around the same time, soldiers moved into Ya’nad village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Yazeed Abdul Rahim Abed (22) and Mohammed Yousef al-Taher (20) and arrested them.
  • Around the same time, the army moved into Qalqilia. They raided and searched Suhaib Bassam Dawoud’s (20) house and arrested him.
  • The army carried out (13) incursions in Fawwar refugee camp, Imreish and Idhna in Hebron; Ilar, Anabta, Bal’a, Kafr al-Labad, Ramin and Kafr Rumman in Tulkarm governorate; Azzun and Baqat al-Hatab, east of Qalqilya; Qalqilya and Marda, north of Salfit. No arrests were reported.
    1. Tuesday, 15 June 2021:
  • At approximately 02:00, the army moved into Mirka, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Raja Ayed Waked’s (42) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:30, the army moved into Yamun, west of Jenin. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Oday Basit Freihat (22) and Ahmed Maher Freihat (18) and arrested them.
    1. Wednesday, 16 June 2021:
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Beita, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians, including 2 siblings, one of them with wounds. The arrestees are: Silm Mustafa Hamayil (25), his brother, Saleem (27), and Baraa’ Barakar ‘Adili (25).
  • At approximately 01:30, the army moved into Awarta, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Omar Ahmed Abdat (22).
  • At approximately 02:00, the army moved into Sa’ir, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Zaytun Halaiqa’s (39) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, the army moved into Taffuh, west of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses and arrested Emad Abdul Karim Irzeikat (44), and Wajdi Fayiz al-Tarwa (35).
  • At approximately 03:20, Israeli troops moved into Beit Kahil, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Isam Suliman Atawna’s (42) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:30, Israeli troops reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Ein Yabrud village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched (5) houses and arrested (5) civilians; Mohammed Adel Hweih (26), Zahi Hatem Hweih (29), Ali Shaker Sarra (21), Khaled Suhail Musleh (28) and Mohammed Akram Fareed (19).
  • At approximately 04:05, Israeli troops moved into Burqa village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians; Hakam Ahmed Baraka (22), Shaheen Mustafa Barakat (19), Hussain Isma’el Abu Samra (29), and Ahmed Sultan Nawabeet (23).
  • At approximately 04:30, Israeli troops moved into Hebron. They raided and searched 3 houses in Harat al-Sheikh, Ein Sarah and al-Dahdah neighborhoods, and arrested (3) civilians. The arrestees are: ‘Amer Mahmoud al-Ja’bari (37), Suhaib Hamed Mahfouz (44) and Emad Ayed al-Zaro (31).
  • At approximately 13:15, Israeli troops reinforced with several military vehicles and bulldozers, launched from the border fence with Israel, moved 100-meters into al-Shawka village, east of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip. They leveled and combed lands and deployed again behind the border fence at approximately 15:10.
  • At approximately 13:30, troops moved into Shuyukh village, northeast of Hebron. They raided and searched Mohammed Arafat Halaiqa’s (51) house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 15:00, Israeli troops stationed at a military checkpoint arrested Ayam Nimir al-Rajabi (28), from al-Fahs area, south of the city. They claimed that she was in possession of a knife, and she was taken to “Kiryat Arba’” settlement, east of the city.
  • III. Settlement Expansion and settler violence in the West Bank

    a. Demolitions, Confiscations, and notices

  • On Thursday morning, 10 June 2021, IOF demolished an agricultural room and razed lands in al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem.

    Mohammed Abu al-Hummus, Member of al-‘Isawiya Follow-up Committee, said that Israeli Civil Administration crews demolished an agricultural room and razed areas of lands in the eastern side of the village belonging to Amjad Hasan ‘Ali Mustafa. The latter was handed a demolition notice from the Municipality of Beit El Settlement, which is established on the Palestinian lands of northern Ramallah and al-Bireh.

  • At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 13 June 2021, Israeli troops backed by 2 military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle belonging to the Israeli Civil Administration, and a truck-mounted moved into a wild area in Ramun village to the west of “Caramillo” military checkpoint, northeast of Ramallah, where al-Ka’abnah family lives in a Bedouin community. Israeli troops brought workers from an Israeli private company. They dismantled and confiscated 3 residential tents, a sheep barn that shelters 180 sheep, a water tank and 3 solar cells belonging to ‘Abdel Hafiz ‘Awwad Fazza’a al-Ka’abnah and his son Ibrahim, under the pretext of building in area C.
  • At approximately 09:30 on Monday, 14 June 2021, Israeli troops accompanied with an Israeli Civil Administration SUV and 2 bulldozers moved into Deir Sharaf village, west of Nablus. They demolished 3 tinplate-roofed commercial facilities built of bricks on the Tulkarem-Nablus Road, noting that the facilities’ owners were notified of the demolition on 25 May 2021 within 96 hours. The demolition was carried out in the morning under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.
  • Those affected were:

      1. Walid Ahmed Ya’qoub ‘Antari / 4 commercial facilities / 320 sqms

      2. Walid Na’im Mas’oud ‘Antari / 4 commercial facilities / 300 sqms

      3. Rami ‘Abdul Fattah Mahmoud Tabari / A commercial facility / 80 sqms

    b. Settler attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property
  • On Friday, 11 June 2021, Israeli settlers destroyed 450 grapevines belonging to Ra’afat Salah in al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem, by spraying toxic pesticides at them.

    Salah said that settlers from “Sidi Bou’ez” settlement established on western al-Khader village sprayed 450 grapevines with toxic chemicals in his land adjacent to the settlement. He noticed a difference in the grape leaves when he headed to his land in the morning, so he learnt that his grapevines were sprayed with toxic pesticides. He took his 2 sons to the hospital immediately fearing that they were poisoned after eating grapes from those vines. Salah added that this is the fourth time in the last 5 years the Israeli settlers do that. He said that if he did not discover that his 36 dunams had been sprayed with toxic pesticides, many people who buy grapes and leaves from him would have been poisoned.

  • At approximately 18:00 on Tuesday, 15 June 2021, a shepherd herding his sheep in Bab Khelet al-Ghouleh in southern Burin village, southeast of Nablus, noticed that a group of settlers from “Yitzahar” settlement established on the lands of Burin village cut and broke 47 olive trees. The shepherd thinks that incident occurred in the same morning or in the afternoon before because the leaves are still green. It should be noted that the assaulted land belongs to Sabri Qassem Zeben (30 trees); Khaled Yousif Zeben (6 trees) and Mojahed and Jihad Mohammed Mousa Zeben (10 trees.)
  • By PCHR