The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) reports 84 incidents of theft of Palestinian journalists’ property by Israeli forces since October. Report By WAFA News

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate announced today that 84 incidents have been documented where Israeli occupation forces have stolen journalists’ personal property since the beginning of the aggression on the Palestinian people in October 2023.

A report by the Syndicate’s Freedom Committee revealed that since the start of the Israeli aggression, 50 incidents of seizing journalists’ cell phones have been documented, particularly during home raids and arrests.

Additionally, eight laptops were confiscated or destroyed, eight Palestinian printing presses were targeted, and three drones used for journalistic photography were taken by Israeli soldiers. Other stolen items included work cables, microphones, protective vests, while numerous cameras were smashed.

Commenting on the report, Mohamed Al-Lahham, head of the Freedom Committee, highlighted that these incidents occurred solely in the West Bank. He noted that the scale of theft and destruction in the Gaza Strip is significantly higher, with about 86 media office headquarters bombed and destroyed, making it difficult to account for all damages due to the ongoing bombardment and aggression.

Al-Lahham condemned the actions of the Israeli forces, stating that what the Israelis call “confiscation” is simply theft, occurring both day and night. He criticized the lack of legal documentation or proof of confiscation, likening the actions to those of criminal gangs.