Head of the Ramallah-based Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Committee, Qadri Abu Baker, said on Thursday, on the eve of International Workers Day, that majority of Palestinian prisoners, inside Israeli jails and detention centers, belong to the labor sector and that their lives have been spent in jail.

In his remarks, Abu Baker added that the Israeli occupation authorities have been abducting Palestinians since 1967, the year Israel occupied the Arab Palestinian East Jerusalem, along with the remainder of the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.

On the eve of International Workers Day, Abu Baker maintained that Palestinian laborers have always been a symbol for the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, as they have been wounded, imprisoned or killed, by the thousands, in the struggle for freedom.

For his part, director of the Palestinian Center for Prisoners’ Studies, Dr. Rafat Hamdouna, said that back in the 1970s, Israeli authorities exploited hundreds of Palestinian laborer prisoners, in works that benefited the occupation state of Israel.

For the time being, Hamdouna said that Israeli prison authorities have intentionally given no chance for Palestinian prisoners to make their own foods or manage their own purchases from the prison cafeterias.

He demanded all relevant international organizations to give some more attention to the suffering of Palestinian prisoners and even work on their release, as soon as possible.

Israel holds around 5,000 Palestinian prisoners including women and children under the age of 18. Hundreds of those prisoners are reported to have been suffering from chronic diseases and are in need of special medical care.

Image: Addameer