A number of Palestinians sustained injuries in extremist settler attacks against their cars, to the west and south of both Nablus and Hebron.

Ghassan Daghlas, official in charge of settlement affairs, said that Israeli settlers threw stones against Palestinians’ cars, and a number of Palestinians hospitalized in Rafidia hospital in minor injuries.

Local sources reported that armed settlers closed a number of roads in southern Nablus and attacked the Palestinians’ cars.

Meanwhile, in Hebron, dozens of Israeli settlers threw stones towards Palestinians’ cars on  road-60, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

Eyewitness Ata Jaber said that dozens of settlers gathered near Kharsina petrol station of Kiryat Arba settlement, throwing stones towards every Palestinian car passes in the street.

Local sources also reported that Israeli settlers gathered at Beit Ainun settlement, to the east of Hebron, and attacked Palestinian passerby under Israeli police protection.

Previously, the Israeli Knesset passed an amendment to civil law, establishing minimum prison sentence of three years for people who throw rocks at Israeli troops, civilians or vehicles. However, Israeli settlers are not subjected to this law.

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