Israeli night raid (archive image)

Israeli occupation forces detained nine Palestinian civilians, overnight Monday until Tuesday at dawn, from various West Bank cities, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) released in a statement.

The PPS stated that five Palestinian young men were detained from al-‘Isawiya neighborhood in the occupied East Jerusalem, they were identified as; Rida Muhammad Ubaid, Tariq Musa Ubaid, Muhammad Ibrahim Ubaid, Majd Bashir, and Muhammad Thaer Mahmoud.

From the southern West Bank city of Hebron, Israeli soldiers detained: Muhammad Ahmad Qazzaz, Muhammad Ayman Rubai, and Ghassan Ibrahim al-Masharqa.

From the central West Bank city of Ramallah, Israeli troops detained Palestinian citizen Sufyan al-Miqdadi.

Local sources said the Israeli police forces detained a young man named Mohamed al-Hasheem from his home in Bab Hitta area in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Information Center reported.

Othman al-Ja’bari, a Palestinian civilian was summoned for interrogation from the Shin Bet (Israeli Intelligence) during a military invasion of Hebron city.