On Wednesday dawn, many Israeli military vehicles invaded Ya’bad and Kafr Dan towns, and Jalboun village, in the northern West Bank governorate of Jenin, before the soldiers abducted five Palestinians, occupied homes and a carwash facility.

Media sources said the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes in Ya’bad, west of Jenin, before abducting Hammoudi Jawad Badarna, Ahmad Zoheir Herzallah, Hussein and his brother Hamza Herzallah.

The soldiers also abducted a young man, Omar Mohammad ‘abed, from Kafr Dan town, northwest of Jenin.

In related news, the soldiers continued the invasions of Jalboun village, eat of Jenin, for the third day, occupied the rooftops of two homes, owned by Tareq Mohammad Abu Ar-Rob, and Ahmad Hasan Abu Ar-Rob, and used them as monitoring towers and firing posts.

The soldiers also invaded and occupied a carwash facility owned by Palestinians from the Abu Ar-Rob family, in addition to breaking into and ransacking two storage rooms.

Schools had to shut down to keep the children safe, while in coordination with the Education Directorate, the students will be receiving their classes online until the army withdraws.

On Tuesday evening, Israeli soldiers shot three Palestinians with live fire, and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation, in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

Also Tuesday evening, Israeli soldiers invaded Kafr Al-Lubbad and Anabta Palestinian towns, east of Tulkarem, in the occupied West Bank’s northwestern part, and closed streets, leading to protests.

On Tuesday before dawn, Israeli troops shot and killed a 44-year-old Palestinian father of three identified as Shadi Issa Jalaita, according to the director of Jericho Governmental Hospital.

According to the Wafa Palestinian news agency, Shadi is the brother of the prisoner Fadi Jalaita, 46, who has been imprisoned by Israeli authorities for 24 years. He was sentenced to 25 years, and is scheduled to be released next year. He also lost his father while in prison.