On Monday night, Israeli forces shot three Palestinian young men, one of whom sustained serious injuries, while dozens sustained inhalation injuries, in the town of Ath-Thaheriyya, southwest of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

Media sources said that occupation forces invaded Ath-Thaheriyya town on Monday evening, sparking protests among local Palestinians.

Sources added that Israeli soldiers opened fired many live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters, shooting three young men with live ammunition, one of whom suffered a serious gunshot wound to the chest; they were all transported to hospital for medical treatment.

Additionally, dozens of citizens were treated my local medics after they suffered inhalation injuries from tear gas exposure.

Quds News Network reported that occupation forces stormed a medical center in the town; no arrests were reported.

In related news, Israeli forces abducted four Palestinian young men in the Hebron governorate, and assaulted two, causing injuries, after invading several citizens’ homes.

Media sources said that occupation soldiers abducted, on Monday morning, the young man, Musab Bayoud al-Tamimi, after breaking into and searching his home in Hebron city, and added that soldiers assaulted a young man in the city, causing him to sustain various injuries.

Sources added that occupation forces also assaulted the young man Nasr Ahmad Abu Turki, after raiding the Wadi al-Saman neighborhood south of Hebron, by severely beating him, causing him to suffer bruises and fractures.

Also, Israeli forces abducted the citizen, Mohammad Fahmi al-Hirsh, from the village of Al-Rihiya, southwest of the city, and Jad Allah Yasser Ahmad al-Masri, from Yatta town, to the south, and invaded and ransacked several home in both towns.

In Yatta town, soldiers assaulted a young man and caused him to suffer a fractured leg; he was transported to hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, the army stormed Ethna town, west of Hebron, invaded many homes, fired tear gas and concussion grenades at citizens, and abducted Murad Fuad al-Batran.