The Palestine Liberation Organization’s Committee for Prisoners and Freed Prisoners has launched a solidarity campaign for burn victim Israa Jaabis, who is being held in an Israeli jail.

Entitled “Freedom and Treatment: A Right for Prisoner Israa”, the campaign has been set up to pressure Israeli occupation forces to provide Israa with medical care, to tend to her wounds.

In a statement, the Committee called for Palestinians to get involved in the campaign, which is also being run on social media.

According to the statement, the campaign would include sit-ins, meetings and press conferences to be held in front of human rights and media organisations to highlight the plight of Palestinian prisoners to them.

“Decent treatment and proper medical care are basic rights for prisoners,” the Committee said, according to Days of Palestine, stressing that “the Palestinian prisoners are deprived of these rights inside the Israeli jails.”

Jaabis, age 32, was arrested in October of 2015, after a faulty cooking gas cylinder burst into flames, in her car, 500 meters from an Israeli checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.

She was severely wounded in the blaze, suffering burns across 65 per cent of her body, including wounds to her face and hands. After she was arrested, she was taken to Hadassah Medical Centre, where eight of her fingers were amputated.

Israeli occupation forces accuse Jaabis, who has a ten-year-old son, of attempting to harm Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near the site of the explosion.

(featured photo: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network)