Audio report - this week in Palestine

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Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for August 13, to the 19, 2016.

As US’s President, Barak Obama, announce  he would make sure Palestinian-Israeli peace is reached, before leaving the oval office, Israeli attacks leave one Palestinian killed more 33 others injured this week.  These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

The Nonviolence Report

Let’s begin our weekly report as usual with the nonviolent activities organized in the West Bank. Three residents were injured on Friday, scores others were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation fired by Israeli troops who attacked anti wall and settlements protests organized in West Bank villages.

This week anti wall and settlements protests were organized in the central west Bank villages of Bil’in, Ni’lin, and al Nabi Saleh. In addition, protests took place in the village of Kufer Qadum in northern West Bank. Israeli soldiers used live rounds, tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets against the unarmed protesters.

Three residents were injured rubber-coated steel bullets, meanwhile scores others were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation as Israeli soldiers attacked the weekly protest organized in Kufer Kadum village. Troops also fired tear gas into residents’ homes after invading the village.

In Bil’in and Ni’lin, protesters managed to reach the Israeli wall. Meanwhile in al Nabi Saleh village, Israeli troops fired several rounds of rubber-coated steel bullets at the villagers as soon as they reached the village entrance.

The Political Report

US’s President, Barak Obama, said he would make sure Palestinian-Israeli peace is reached, before leaving the oval office. Meanwhile, Palestinian emphasize on the need for peace, based on international legitimacy resolutions and the French initiative. IMEMC’s Rami Al Meghari has more:

United States’ president, Barak Obama, said that he would make sure that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is solved on basis of the two-state solution, envisioned by Washington long ago. The president maintained that before leaving his office, by November this year, the vision will be clear.

Palestinian Authority, from it’s part, said it is still honoring the French initiative for peace, which is based on international legitimacy resolutions.

In other news, Palestinians in both West Bank and Gaza, are prepared for municipal elections by October of this year. Various Palestinian parties have expressed willingness to observe a smooth democratic elections process.

For IMEMC News, I am Rami Almeghari in Gaza

The West Bank and Gaza Report

This week, one civilian killed, 33 wounded, and at least 73 abducted by Israeli forces during invasions targeting Palestinian communities. IMEMC’s Ghassan Bannoura reports:

Mohammad Abu Hashhash, 17, was shot and killed on Tuesday evening by Israeli soldiers in the al-Fawwar refugee camp near  southern West Bank city of Hebron. Troops also injured at least fifty-nine others, including five who suffered serious wounds.

Extensive clashes took place in the refugee camp when hundreds of soldiers invaded it, after completely surrounding it, and initiated violent searches of homes leading to property damage.

Meanwhile,  The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee has reported that a former political prisoner died, Tuesday, from serious health complications resulting from years in Israeli prisons without proper and adequate medical treatment. The former detainee, Naim Younis Shawamra, 46, is from Doura city, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron.

Also on Tuesday, Israeli troops invaded several areas in the West Bank and demolished at least 10 homes and car repair shop. Troops claimed that the owners did not have building permits from the Israeli army.

Israeli military vehicles, and bulldozers, invaded on Tuesday morning the town of Sa’ir, northeast of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and demolished eight Palestinian homes.

The army also demolished wells in the the town of Beit Jala, near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem Israeli troops demolished two Palestinian homes and a room. Moreover,  a number of Israeli military vehicles, and bulldozers, invaded on Tuesday at dawn, Anata town, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, and demolished a car repair garage, and a tree nursery.

Moreover, Israeli forces conducted this week at least 72 military invasions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank  and occupied East Jerusalem. During these invasions Israeli troops kidnapped at least 73 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children.

In the Gaza strip this week, Israeli navy ships attacked, on Monday evening, a number of Palestinian fishing boats, in Palestinian territorial water in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, and kidnapped five fishers. Eyewitnesses said the navy fired many live rounds at the boats and kidnapped five fishermen. The five were all fishing in the same boat; the navy also confiscated their boat and took it to Ashdod Port.

Also in Gaza this week, the only power plant in the besieged region announced, Thursday, that it was unable to operate on more than one generator, after exhausting its fuel reserves. Even at full capacity, Egyptian and Israeli electricity grids, together with Gaza’s sole power plant, fail to cover the Gaza Strip’s energy needs. The power plant has not run at full capacity in years, with Israel’s crippling blockade severely limiting fuel imports into the coastal enclave.

For IMEMC News this is Ghassan Bannoura.


And that’s all for today from This Week in Palestine. This was the Weekly report for August 13, to the 19, 2016. From the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at www-dot-imemc-dot-org, This week’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and me Eman Abedraboo-Bannoura.