Israeli sources have reported that, early Sunday morning, three Israeli police officers were killed in a shooting attack near Tarqoumia Palestinian city, west of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part.

The sources said Palestinian fighters opened fire at an Israeli police vehicle on Route 35 near the Ethna-Tarqoumia junction, near an Israeli military roadblock, and fled the scene.

Israeli Magen David Adom emergency services said its medics treated three Israelis, a man in his 30s, a woman in her 30s, and a man in his 50s, for very serious wounds.

It added that the man and the woman, both in their thirties, died at the scene, while the third died while being rushed to a medical center.

Israeli Police Commissioner, Danny Levy, said the three slain Israelis were all officers from the West Bank district of the Israeli Police.

The Israeli army said the shooters carried the shooting out from a passing vehicle, before abandoning it and fleeing on foot; the car was found on the side of Road #3.

After the shooting, the army invaded Ethna and nearby communities and initiated massive search campaigns.

It is worth mentioning that 26 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank since August 27, 2024.

  1. Mohammad Amin Talal Abdullah, 19, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  2. Amjad Mustafa Ibrahim Saleh, 23, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  3. Mohammad Ihsan Yaqin Maraqa, 18, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  4. Zohdi Nidal Abu Afifa, 19, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  5. Maysara Suleiman Abdul Masharqa, 33, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  6. Arafat Jasser Ahmad Amer, 27, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  7. Wissam Ayman Zidan Khazem, 30, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  8. Tawfiq Ahmad Younis Qandeel, 83, Jenin.
  9. Mohammad Bassam Orabi, 32, Jenin, 08.29.2024.
  10. Ayed Mahmoud Nimer Abu Al-Haija, 64, Tulkarem, 28.2024.
  11. Mohammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, 31, Jenin, 28.2024.
  12. Ahmad Moayyad Mahmoud Sous, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  13. Sa’id Ali Sa’id Wahdan, 29, Jenin, 28.2024.
  14. Mohammad Nidal Abdul-Rahman, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  15. Morad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 13, Tubas, 28.2024.
  16. Mohammad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 17, Tubas, 28.2024.
  17. Ahmad Saleh Nabrisi, 18, Tubas, 28.2024.
  18. Ibrahim Abdul-Qader Ghneima, 21, Tubas,28.2024.
  19. Qassam Mohammad Jabarin, 24, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  20. Assem Walid Bal’out (Dabaya), 39, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  21. Firas Bassam Alaqma “Turkman”, 34, Jenin, 08.28.2024.
  22. Adnan Ayser Jaber, 15, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  23. Mohammad Ahmad Elian, 16, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  24. Mohannad Kamal Qaraawi, 20, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  25. Jibril Ghassan Ismail Jibril, 20, Qalqilia, 27.2024.
  26. Mohammad Ali Mustafa Yousef, 49, Jenin, 27.2024.