via the Alternative Information Center and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) — Kayed’s political party — announced, on June 24th, that Israeli authorities transferred dozens of PFLP prisoners on hunger strike in solidarity with Keyed from Megiddo prison to other Israeli prisons. A few PFLP prisoners that remain in Megiddo were placed solitary confinement. Others are being deprived of family visitation and subject to frequent cell raids. []

Israeli authorities sentenced Kayed to six months of administrative detention upon the expiration of his 14.5 year sentence in Israeli prisons on June 13th. He has been on hunger strike since June 14th. Around 120 Palestinian prisoners are launching hunger strikes in solidarity with Kayed.

On Friday, June 24th, activists in the Hauge and New York protested for Keyed’s freedom [,]. In Athens participants in a Resistance Festival showed strong support for Kayed as well []. The day before solidarity activists demonstrated in solidarity with Kayed in Torino, Italy [].