If Americans Knew: Our Senators and House members vote to give Israel billions of our tax dollars every year. Therefore, they have a moral obligation to learn what they are funding.

Demand that they view this 2-minute video to see the 78 Palestinian children Israel killed in 2021 with our tax money: https://iakn.us/children2021

Action Alerts – Israel Palestine News

Also view this on YouTube, which contains references in the text under the video.

Tell your Congresspeople, who have voted to give Israel billions of our tax dollars, that they are obligated to view the video to learn about how Israel uses our money.

Tell them to screen it in committee meetings and other proceedings. Use this form to contact your Congress members!

See references below. We suggest that voters ask their Congress members to view this video. Since Congress gives Israel billions of our tax dollars every year, they have a moral obligation to learn what they’re funding. Go here to easily contact your representatives: https://israelpalestinenews.org/actio…
References: • U.S. aid to Israel: https://ifamericansknew.org/stat/usai…
• For a chronological list of Palestinian and Israeli children killed since 2000 see https://israelpalestinetimeline.org/
• For facts and statistics on the issue of Israel-Palestine see https://ifamericansknew.org/ 
• For human rights reports on the issue from diverse organizations –Christian Aid, International Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, etc. see https://israelpalestinenews.org/human… 
• New York Times report on children killed
• Defence for Children report on children killed: https://www.dci-palestine.org/2021_is… 
• Consortium news report on children https://consortiumnews.com/2021/05/18… 
The articles headlined in the video: • https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpe…
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