The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, said that Israeli soldiers arrested thirty of its members in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron, over the last month

A senior PFLP source reported that the detainees are imprisoned in al-Maskobiyya detention in Jerusalem, facing harsh conditions and barred from meeting their lawyers, and deprived from their daily needs.
The detainees were tied to chairs, blindfolded for several hours and not provided with main meals, or even drinking water.
Soldiers arrested the members after breaking into their homes, and searching them causing damage; also soldiers attacked them and their family members during the arrests.
In al-Azza refugee camp in Bethlehem, soldiers arrested Nawwaf al-Qaisy, and transferred him for interrogation, and arrested his two brothers later on after breaking into their homes, and searching them.
Soldiers used during the searches sharp knives and tools in order to destroy the furniture while searching the homes.
15 PFLP members were arrested in Jerusalem, 10 in Bethlehem, and five from Hebron.
An Israeli military source claimed that the arrested PFLP members formed armed cells, planned to assassinate the top Israeli Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, the spiritual leader of Shas party, in addition to planning other attacks against Israeli military targets, and planned to abduct suspected collaborators with the occupation, according to the source.
The PFLP considered the arrests as part of the “war Israel is launching against it and other Palestinian factions”, and added that the Palestinians and their political movements will continue their struggle against the occupation until liberation, and establishing a Palestinian independent state, with Jerusalem as its capital.