The Israeli army invaded the village of Bil'in near the central West Bank city of Ramallah and injured three children on Tuesday midday.

A massive Israeli force invaded the village and opened fire randomly at residents and their homes. Mohamed Ala, 10, was injured in the leg and was rushed to a nearby hospital, eyewitnesses reported. Also, Mohamed Al Khate, 17, was shot in the hand and Yassen Asa'd, 17, was shot in the leg by Israeli troops. Scores of gas inhalation cases were reported.


Residents of Bil'in stated that Israeli troops are currently conducting a wide scale house-to-house search campaign in the village and shot randomly at residents. The residents added that there was no provocation on behalf of the residents against the army.

Bil'in village is known for being the center of the non-violent resistance against the illegal wall Israel constructing in the West Bank. The village is holding weekly non-violent protests against the wall that is separating the village from it's farming land.

The village was invaded by Israeli forces in an act of collective punishment shortly after an Al Aqsa Brigades gunman injured four Israeli settlers near an illegal settlement in the Ramallah district.