The Israeli government is weighing the possibility of allowing solidarity ships to reach the Gaza shores as long as they undergo a thorough search by an international authority, probably Greece, before they sail, Israeli sources reported. Israel wants the ships to be thoroughly inspected and their passenger lists investigated and approved before they can sail.

The Hurriyet Turkish newspaper stated in a report released Tuesday that Israel has been urging Turkey to prevent Turkish human rights groups from sending a new flotilla to the besieged Gaza Strip fearing a repeat of what happened when Israel boarded the Mavi Marmara solidarity ship on May 30, 2010, killing nine Turkish activities, included one with U.S. citizens, and wounding dozens of activists.

Israeli Jerusalem Post reported that Israel’s ambassador to Turkey, Gaby Levy, stated that Israel is willing to allow humanitarian aid to Gaza, and would allow solidarity ship through as long as they undergo all legal measures and checkups.

On Tuesday, the Turkish Human Rights group, IHH, stated that it is putting off its participation in the ships this time until after Turkey hold its general elections this coming June.

According to the Jerusalem Port, the group wants to wait and see if the current Turkish Prime Minister, Raceb Tayyib Erdogan, gets elected for another term.
The IHH denied being under any local or international pressure that pushed it to delay its participation in the flotilla.