Israeli soldiers stormed, on Tuesday, sections of the Eshil Israeli detention facility, in Be’er as-Sabe’ (Bir Shiva), wounding at least forty detainees, after forcing approximately 200 detainees under the sun for several hours.The soldiers attacked, kicked, and clubbed the detainees, and searched their rooms and beds while damaging their property. The soldiers also used dogs while searching the rooms and property of the detainees.

The Prison Authority also forced 16 detainees into solitary confinement, confiscated several fans and TV sets, and denied the detainees access to the prison canteen.

The detainees told the Prison Administration that they will refuse to eat until it returns the confiscated equipment and property.

The Waed Society for Detainees and Ex-Detainees, denounced the Israeli attack against the detainees, and stated that using weapons and excessive force in attacking the detainees, is a direct violation of international law and all related human rights agreements, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The Society said that these attacks are systematic, frequent, and are meant to target the well-being and the lives of the detainees.