[Saturday At Dawn, June 14, 2014] As part of the search for three missing Israeli teenage settlers, Israeli soldiers intensified their invasions and strict security measures in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, broke into and searched dozens of homes, and kidnapped several Palestinians.The three Israelis went missing Thursday, and are believed to have been kidnapped by a Palestinian armed group.

Although some Israeli sources said an “al-Qaeda affiliated group” claimed responsibility, what happened to the settlers remains uncertain, while no Palestinian groups have claimed responsibility for the abduction.

Local sources in Hebron have reported that dozens of soldiers were deployed in Be’er al-Mahjar, the Salaam Street, Ein Sarah, Nomra area, and Ras al-Jouza in Hebron city.

The sources said the soldiers invaded several villages and towns in the Hebron district, including Doura, as-Sammoa’, Tarqoumia, and Beit Kahel, while dozens of soldiers were deployed in the al-Fawwar junction area.

The army also used drones in military searches over Hebron, the Negev and the Gaza Strip, and increased its security measures around Hebron and all of its nearby communities. Similar measures were taken in Bethlehem, and other areas.

Soldiers also broke into the home of Yosry Mahmoud al-Jamal, a Palestinian journalist living in Abu Sneina neighborhood in Hebron.

They wired and detonated the main door, and conducted searches before kidnapping his brother, Yasser.

Talking to the Ma’an News Agency, al-Jamal stated that the soldiers tied him and his brother, Khamis, and searched the home for nearly three hours, before kidnapping his brother, Yasser.

He added that the soldiers also kidnapped Ala Abu Zeina, and Shadi Abu Sneina, after breaking into their homes, and searching them.

In addition, soldiers invaded several homes in the Department of Transportation area in Hebron, and kidnapped Ammar Mohammad Abu Aisha, a woman identified as Ekram Hasan Abu Aisha, Othman al-Qawasmi, and the wife of a resident identified as Marwan Sa’ady.

Soldiers Invade Rahat, Kidnap Several Palestinians

Three Missing Israelis Feared Dead

Three Teenage Israelis Missing In West Bank