Palestinian man next to his demolished home this week (PCHR photo)

Israeli authorities in the internationally-recognized occupied West Bank, reportedly handed over demolition warrants to a number of Palestinian households, ahead of the demolition of their homes.

In the northern West Bank village of Aqqaba, north of Tulkarem city, Israeli troops reportedly handed over demolition warrants to a number of Palestinian residents, a prelude to the demolition of their under-construction homes.

Local Palestinian media outlets said that the homes to be demolished, belong to Yousef Ammarna, Nehad Ammarna, Abdelrahim Ammarna, Ayman Ammarna, Hothaifa Ammarna, along with Mustafa Betawi.

The sources added that all the households, which received the Israeli demolition warrants, belong to one same family.

Their homes are located at the entrance of the village, just one kilometer away from the Israeli Apartheid Wall, which takes up 80 percent of the village’s farm lands.

In the meantime, Israeli authorities in the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin, were reportedly handed demolition warrants to local residents in Ya’bad village, on the outskirts of the city.

Mayor of Ya’bad, Mr. Tareq Ammarna, told media outlets earlier Tuesday that Israeli troops, including infantry and armored vehicles broke in to the home of Bassam Ammarna and handed him a demolition warrant for his 220-square-meter home.

The mayor noted that the Israeli troops told Bassam that his home was built without permission by the Israeli authorities.

The home is located just near the Israeli Apartheid Wall in the area.

Noteworthy, it is a common occurrence that the Israeli occupation authorities demolish Palestinian’s homes, adjacent to the Israeli Apartheid Wall, surrounding the West Bank.