More than 200 Palestinian journalists held a sit-in and March in Ramallah Sunday afternoon in protest of attacks on members of the press. Among the subjects was the kidnapping of photographer Jaime Razuri.The demonstrators also demanded justice for journalist for Fadi Al Aruri who Israeli forces shot on Thursday during an invasion of Ramallah in the central West Bank.

The Peruvian was on assignment for the Agence France Presse in the Gaza Strip when unknown persons abducted him at the beginning of the year. Today's is not the first protest held by Palestinian journalists demanding his release.

And the protest was for Osama Salouadi who was paralyzed after being shot while covering security problems in Ramallah two months ago.

The 200 strong crowd moved rapidly through the rainy streets this afternoon, carrying pictures of the three journalists and chanting against the Israeli occupation and against the internal security disarray.

Abdul-Nasser Najjar of the Al Hayat daily said, “This march is delivering three messages: the first is to the world to make the Israelis stop the daily attacks on journalists. The second message is to end the security problems that led to the injury of Osama Saloudi. And third, we are calling on the kidnappers to release the Peruvian.”