The Israeli government decided that as of Thursday February 7 it will reduce electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip, a measure which will affect the civilian population regionThe decision to reduce power supplies comes after the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a petition last week against the issue. The petition was filed by ten Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights groups.
The human rights groups stated that this measure violates the international law as it deliberately causes harm to the civilians and deprives them from the basic energy they need to run vital services.
The groups also stated that the electricity cuts are also disrupting the residents and their ability to receive medical care, access to clean water, pump sewage, light and heat for their homes.
The human rights groups also stated that the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision “sets a dangerous precedent and ignores the international law which prohibits deliberate targeting of civilians”.
The decision also fails to stop the Israeli military’s collective punishment against the civilians in the Gaza Strip, the groups added.
The plan which was submitted to the Israeli Supreme Court stated that the army will reduce power supply by 5% on the three lines providing Gaza with power.
The power supplied by the first line will be cut by 5% on Thursday, and the electricity supplies provided by the two other lines will be reduced by 5% over the next two months. The groups also stated that in total, the Gaza Strip will suffer a 1.5 megawatt reduction in electricity.
Also, the cut of diesel supplies to the Gaza Strip contributed to 20% of electricity deficit in Gaza which directly affected hospitals, medical centers, water pumps and other vital services.
Currently, residents in Gaza are experiencing power outage eight hours a day, and public transportation was directly affected due to cuts in patrol and regular diesel supplies.
The international law clearly forbids any acts of punishment against the civilians and states that all countries must facilitate the passage of human supplies to the civilians. On the ground the Gaza Strip remains under strict siege imposed by Israel and dozens of patients died after being barred from leaving the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.