Friday evening, an Israeli soldier guarding the Separation Wall shot killed a Palestinian teen in the village of Beit Liqya, west of Ramallah.

According to the Israeli army, one of the guards of the Separation wall opened fire at a group of Palestinian teenagers who hurled stones at them, killing one youth.

The army report added that a probe is being conducted in the event, and that the soldier was detained for interrogation.

A medical source in Ramallah identified the youth as Nimir Jawad Assy, 17 years old.

According to a Palestinian eyewitness, the child was herding a cattle of sheep near the Wall when soldiers fired at him.

Assy received first aid at a clinic in the neighboring village of Biddu, and then was transferred by a Red Crescent ambulance to a hospital in Ramallah.

The source reported that Assy sustained a gunshot injury in his heart causing almost instant death.

Assy is the cousin of two youth who were shot dead by the army 45 days ago while they were playing football near the Separation Wall.

The Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security condemned the killing of the child, considering the incident as a sort of assassination.

The ministry released a statement accusing the Israeli army of targeting children, and innocent civilians.ÂÂ