The Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security service, claimed on Monday that it thwarted an attempt by the Palestinian resistance to carry out a series of suicide bombings in the Neveh Dikalim settlement in the Gaza Strip by digging a tunnel into the area.

The Israeli army claims it uncovered the tunnel, which it said was being dug by Islamic Jihad activists.

“The tunnel was uncovered just hours before it was completed,” an army source reported. “Suicide bombers were planning to infiltrate through it into the settlement.”  

According to the army, soldiers in recent weeks have arrested several Palestinians allegedly attempting to carry attacks against Israeli targets.

“Two Tanzim members were arrested in Balata refugee camp in Nablus,” the source said. “Soldiers also arrested two in Jenin who were planning to kidnap Israelis, and two others were arrested near the Gush Etzion military camp near Hebron, after planning to abduct Israeli soldiers.”

The army said that it temporarily sealed off the road that connects the Kissufim crossing with the Gush Katif settlement bloc on Monday evening after receiving warning of a possible attack.