Israeli soldiers engaging in night raid (archive image)

Israeli forces invaded the West Bank, early Sunday morning, before dawn, and attacked Palestinians in their homes, including a child.

The troops then abducted the Palestinians and took them to unknown locations for interrogation.

According to local sources, Israeli troops abducted 14-year-old Ammar Thawabteh while he was asleep in his home in Beit Fajjar town in southern Bethlehem.

In another raid, Israeli troops took two young men from their homes where they were sleeping in Ya’bad town, south of Jenin. They were identified as Nidhal Nifiaat, 31, and Mujahed Amarneh, 20.

Separately, Israeli forces released 13-year-old Khaled Asfour, from Ya’bad town in southern Jenin, after detaining him for two days at al-Jalamah crossing in the West Bank.

These pre-dawn raids happen on a nightly basis in the West Bank, with Israeli troops entering various parts of the West Bank in the dead of night and terrorizing the Palestinian residents.

By admin