A group of right wing Israeli settlers, from Ramat Ishai settlement in down-town Hebron city in the southern part of the West Bank set a Palestinian civilian car on fire Thursday midday.

A group of right wing Israeli settlers, from Ramat Ishai settlement in down-town Hebron city in the southern part of the West Bank set a Palestinian civilian car on fire Thursday midday. Hanna Abu Heikal, the owner of the car stated that the a group of four male settlers set her car on fire while it was parked in front of her house a few meters away from the settlement.

Abu Heikal added that Israeli soldiers stationed at an army post in front of her house did not stop the settlers burning the car. Troops also detained and stopped the Palestinian fire fighting brigade from putting out the fire until the car was completly burnt.

Abu Heikal stated that this is her third car that settlers have destroyed; requesting that International and Human Rights organizations protect her family- which is being attacked on a daily basis by the Israeli settlers and the Israeli army.

Israeli settlers' attacks against Palestinain civilians in Hebron have been daramatically increasing, especially in the old city of Hebron where 400 settlers occupy a major part the area.