On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted eleven Palestinians; seven after invading and ransacking their homes in Madama village, south of Nablus, one at a military roadblock, and three in their homes in Askar Al-Qadim refugee camp, east of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

The head of the Madama Village Council, Abdullah Ziyada, stated that the soldiers stormed and ransacked several homes, causing damage.

Ziyada added that the soldiers abducted Hussam Rezeq Ziyada, Abdul-Karim Ghassan Ziyada, Asid Abdul-Nasser Qout, Ahmad Shahir Qout, Osaid Abdul-Nasser Qout, Mohammad Zaher Qout, Suleiman Ma’rouf Sufan, and Ayham Muhannad Al-Ja’fari, after storming their homes in the village.

Ziyada also stated the soldiers invaded and ransacked ten homes, stole some of their contents, and assaulted many residents.

Additionally, the soldiers damaged containers of fuel and gasoline worth 3,000 shekels belonging to Abdul-Karim Ziyada.

Also, a military vehicle rammed a car owned by Adham Al-Ja’fari after they abducted his brother Ayham.

In Askar Al-Qadim refugee camp, the soldiers stormed and ransacked several homes before abducting Majed

وأفادت مصادر أمنية، بأن الاحتلال اعتقل الشابين ماجد ارديف، ومؤيد عبد الرحيم أبو شوشة من مخيم عسكر القديم شرق مدينة نابلس، بعد مداهمة منزلي ذويهما في المخيم، وتفتيشهما.

وأضافت المصادر أن الاحتلال اعتقل الشاب عمران محمد تايه، من قرية عراق التايه، بعد مداهمة منزل ذويه.

Furthermore, the soldiers abducted the secretary of Douma Village Council, Sameh Mohammad Dawabsha, after stopping him at a military roadblock near Majdal Bani Fadel village, south of Nablus.

In related news, the soldiers abducted three siblings from the village of Deir Abu Mash’al, northwest of Ramallah, and a young man from the Al-Masayef neighborhood in Al-Bireh, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Also, the soldiers invaded Tammun town, southeast of Tubas in the northeastern West Bank, before storming and violently searching many homes