The European Union condemned, on Friday, the Israeli plan to build 2610 new units for Jewish settlers in occupied East Jerusalem, and called on Tel Aviv to reverse its plan as it threatens the efforts to resume direct peace talks in the region, and violates International Law.The EU said that the Israeli move undermines the prospects of the two-state solution, and questions Israel’s commitment to comprehensive peace with the Palestinians.

The Israeli plan was first presented in 2012; the units are planned to be built in Givat Hamatos illegal settlement, in occupied East Jerusalem, and received the official final approval last week.

The EU said Israel is allowing the expansion of more settlements in occupied East Jerusalem, the anticipated capital of the future Palestinian State.

The United States also denounced the plan, on Wednesday, while US President Barack Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “the US is deeply concerned” about the issue.

The European Union called on Tel Aviv to stop its ongoing construction and expansion of settlements in occupied Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Israeli settlements are illegal under International Law and the Fourth Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory.

East Jerusalem and the West Bank are under Israeli occupation; therefore, building Jewish settlements is illegal, as an occupying power should not move all or part of its population into territories it occupies.

Israel’s settlement activities have also caused the Palestinians to lose lands and orchards, only sources of livelihood to villagers and farmers in different parts of the occupied West Bank, while the Annexation Wall is now isolating what is left of those orchards, and turned many areas in the West Bank into isolated cantons.

The European Union said relations with Tell Aviv depend on its commitment to comprehensive peace, based on the two-state solution.

On Thursday, Egypt issued a strong condemnation of the Israeli decision, and said the Israeli move violates International Law, and places further obstacles to the efforts to resume direct peace talks between Tel Aviv and Ramallah.

East Jerusalem, as well as the West Bank, fell under Israeli occupation following the 1967 war, while on July 30, 1980 Israel passed the “Jerusalem Law” annexing the city and considering it the “eternal united capital.’

On August 20, 1980, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 478, denouncing the ongoing Israeli attempts to illegally annex Jerusalem.

The resolution came following six prior similar resolutions. It also notes that Israel is non-compliant with resolution 476 of June 30 1980.

Resolution 478 considered the Israeli “Jerusalem Law” a violation of International Law, and ruled it null and void, but similar to so many resolutions; Israel ignored it.

The resolution passed by 14 votes, with no states voting against it and the United States abstained.…ument

The Palestinians said they will not return to peace talks with Tel Aviv without a complete cessation of all hostilities, including Israel’s ongoing settlement construction and expansion activities.

The United States continues to grant Tel Aviv billions of dollars annually, and the ongoing military and security aid, in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars collected by pro-Israel lobbies in the US, thus it is practically running the occupation and funding the illegitimate Israeli construction and expansion of settlement.