Fawwaz Al-Bolbol, 27 years old, from the village of Atteel, near Tulkarem in the north of the West Bank, died of medical neglect on Thursday evening in Majeddo detention.

A representative of the detainees in Majeddo said that Al0Bolbol is a member of the Islamic Jihad, and that he was suffering from a heart disease and problems in respiration.

The representative added that Al-Bolbol is married and that he was detained since two years after being sentenced to eight and a half years executive imprisonment.

“On Thursday morning, Al-Bolbol who was detained since 15/4/2003, suffered from some health problems , we asked the soldiers to send him to the clinic, but they kept installing us for more than six hours, then he was transferred, but shortly after arriving at the clinic he was pronounced dead”, the representative said.

Issa Qaraqe’, head of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, said that Al-Bolbol died in Majeddo detention camp, therefore army is fully responsible of what happened and that the policy of medical neglect conducted against the detainees led to complications of Al-Bolbol’s health causing his death.

Qaraqe’ demanded forming a committee to investigate the death of the detainee, and demanded that the prison administration should agree that independent and international organizations should be allowed to checkup the medical conditions in the Israeli detention camps.

It is worth mentioning that hundreds of detainees who are sick or wounded and in immediate need for medical car and operations.

Butheina Doqmaq, from Mandela Institute for defending Human Rights, said that the administration at Majeddo detention and the Israeli government are fully responsible of the death of Al-Bolbol and the bad health conditions the detainees are facing in Israeli detention camps and prisons.

“This is not the first time in which a detainee dies in detention, army continuously rejected to provide medical attention to detainees and installed their treatment, this is the second death this year resulted of medical neglect in Majeddo detention”, Doqmaq said.

Doqmaq added that one of the main reasons behind the Hunger Strike which was conducted by the detainees lately was medical neglect and lack of medications.

“We are currently waiting the approval of Al-Bolbol to conduct autopsy in order to know if the pill he was given was the reason behind his death, since he was given a pill known as “modex”. Doqmaq said.

It is worth mentioning that political detainees in all Israeli prisons announced that Sunday will be a morning day.