Thousands of Palestinians took the streets of the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah and took part in the funeral of the three Palestinian children, who were killed by army fire, on Sunday.

The three were killed by Israeli army gunfire in the Shuouth area in the city on Saturday.

The procession started from Abu Yousef Al-Najjar Hospital to the Shuouth north of Rafah where they were laid to rest in the ‘Martyrs Cemetery’.

The three were shot in the upper parts of their bodies, one in the head and two in the chest.

The crowds who took part in the funeral expressed their anger for the killing of the three young men, and stressed through slogans and banners carried in the funeral the need to ‘unify the Palestinian front to minimize chances for Israel to blame the Palestinians.’

The Palestinian resistance groups did not carry out any attack against Israel after the declaration of calm after the talks between the Palestinian factions in Cairo.

The factions declared calm until the end of 2005 and hoped that Israel would reciprocate the calm so that they can reach a truce.