apparently, without a strong international backing of Egyptian efforts, the Egyptian attempts to link disengagement to the road map are doomed to fail.

Palestinian official source said Friday that Palestinian security chiefs will head to Cairo on Monday to coordinate strategy in the face of Israel ‘s disengagement plan.

Egypt offered to help train Palestinian security officers in preparation for an Israeli pullout of the Gaza Strip.

While Egypt originally planned to send security advisors and experts to train Palestinian security personnel in Gaza, Egypt changed plans and is only welling to train Palestinian security officers inside Egypt after Israel refused to commit to halting attacks in the Gaza Strip and to ensure the safety of the Egyptian staff.

Egypt has also voiced impatience at the pace of Palestinian reforms in a welter of security services.

While Israel repeatedly demanded a stronger Egyptian rule in preventing arm smuggling across the borders, Israel still insist on a unilateral approach with a limited Egyptian involvement.

Palestinian General Intelligence Chief Amin al-Hindi, Public Security Chief Abdel-Razek al-Majaydeh and the Palestinian police chief are due to attend the Cairo talks.

Palestinian official source said that Israel rejected a request for Gaza pre-emptive Security Chief Rashid Abu Shbak to leave Gaza to attend the talks.

Encouraged by the U.S. administration, Egypt hoped to become the bridge that links Israel ‘s unilateral disengagement with the Quartet sponsored Road Map plan.

Israel still insist that disengagement should stay unilateral, asking Egypt to limit its rule to security arrangements at the Gaza-Egypt borders, and help prevent the Islamic movement (Hamas) take over the Palestinian strip after the intended pullout.

In their Thursday visit to Ramallah, Egyptian foreign minister Ahmad Abu Al-Gheit and Security Chief Omar Suleiman attempted to revive the Egyptian rule amid of an unprecedented military escalation in the Gaza Strip.

Apparently, without a strong international backing of Egyptian efforts, the Egyptian attempts to link disengagement to the road map are doomed to fail.