A local source in Hebron , in the south of the West Bank, said that soldiers raided the city, conducted vast searches in Issa neighborhood, and several areas near Keryat Arba settlement in the center of Hebron , and apprehended five residents, including two brothers., and leveled one home.

The source added that soldiers supported by a number of armored vehicles and jeeps besieged a home which belongs to Al-Rweishid family, and apprehended Samer and Hani Al-Rweishid, 18 and 22 years old, university students at Hebron University and Bier Ziet University, near Ramallah.

A member of Al-Rweishid family said that soldiers detonated the their home and fired inside it setting the furniture on fire, lightly wounding a nine years old child who suffers from a physical disability.

The child was transferred to Hebron Governmental Hospital for medical and treatment.

The mother of the two detainees said that soldiers remained in their home for more than two hours and apprehended them after blindfolding and handcuffing them.

Soldiers also broke into tens of homes and apprehended three other residents in the city, the three residents were not identified.

Meanwhile, in Khallet Hadour, near Keryat Arba’ settlement in the east of Hebron , soldiers raided the home of Abdul-Halim Al-Ja’bary, head of the Palestinian Wrestling Union, and searched it.

Al-Ja’bary said that soldiers besieged his home and withheld the family members in one room and conducted vast searches in the home causing damages, and confiscated his personal mobile phone.

It is worth mentioning that soldiers stepped up its military operation in Hebron and tightened the siege imposed over the city since more than two weeks.

Soldiers, during this period, conducted vast searches in tens of homes and withheld hundreds of school students and women in Bab Al-Zaweya and the center of Hebron in addition to the old city and around the Ibrahimi mosque; tens of arrests and more than twenty residents were apprehended, in addition to demolishing a home on Wednesday.