Mohammad Al-Hindi, a prominent leader of the Islamic Jihad movement in Gaza Strip said Sunday that his movement will join the local government election planned to take place within the coming few months.

Al-Hindi, however, said Islamic Jihad will not participate in elections resulted from Oslo agreement meaning the legislative council general elections.

‘It is time to arrange the internal Palestinian affairs’, said Al-Hindi, ‘the factions talks are still going on and there will be more in September in Egypt’ he added.

He said the problem is not in internal Palestinian conflicts, but the fact that Israel gave no commitments concerning any agreement among Palestinian factions.

Al-Hindi hinted that the Egyptian diplomats will have more visits in the region to try to get promises from the Israeli government to fulfill its commitments. However, he expressed his belief that Israel is not serious about the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and it has no project, but only bidding for time to stop the Intifada.

The talks in Cairo in September will be focused on truce and the situation in the aftermath of the Israeli withdrawal from the strip, said Al-Hindi.

Al-Hindi held Israel responsible for the lack of progress of the internal Palestinian talks.

On the prisoners issue, Al-Hindi said, that Al-Quds brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad and the Aqsa Martyrs brigades the military wing of Fatah were seriously discussing options to abduct Israeli soldiers and trade them with Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli jails.

Al-Hindi and one thousand other Islamic Jihad members are expected to hold a one day hunger strike in Gaza city in solidarity with the prisoners, according to a leaflet distributed by the movement.