Sheikh Khader, one of the Islamic Jihad leaders, called on the Palestinian movements to reconsider the truce after the Israeli army attempted to assassinate resistance fighters in Nablus, and the continuous arrests and invasions in the West Bank.

Sheikh Khader said that the army arrested on Friday ten members of the movement in Jenin and its refugee camp, in addition to several residents in Arraba, near Jenin and Saida near Tulkarem, and in Hebron.

“We can’t remain committed to the truce while the army and its tanks have the freehand in our land and against our people, arrests invasions, and settlement activities did not halt”, Sheikh Khader said.

Also, Sheikh Khader demanded the Palestinian Authority and the International community to have a firm position against the continuous Israeli violations to the truce.

The statements of Sheikh Khader came after the army invaded Arraba, south of Jenin of Friday and arrested Ahmad Mazin Ez Ed-Deen, 25, member of the Islamic Jihad.

The army conducted military searches of homes, and interrogated dozens of residents.