Tuesday morning, Israeli bulldozers started erecting a section of the separation wall near the Electricity Company in the northern neighborhood of Bethlehem.

A local source in Bethlehem reported that the bulldozers placed huge concrete blocks near the main road which leads to the Caritas Hospital in the area.

The concrete blocks will extend until reaching the other section of the wall near the military checkpoint north of Bethlehem, and will surround several neighborhoods near the Rachel Tomb.

Meanwhile, Bethlehem Municipality considered the construction in the northern neighborhood as a disaster which will completely isolate Bethlehem especially after closing the northern entrance of the city.

The municipality predicts that 4000 residents will be trapped behind the wall, in addition to several factories and institutions which will be disconnected from Bethlehem.

The northern neighborhood area includes factories, national and religious institutions, the Muslim Waqf department, churches, and the Caritas hospital.   

Also, the municipality voiced an urgent appeal to the Vatican, the International Council of Churches, and to the United Nations’ Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, in addition to several European institutions and governments to stop the Israeli violations in holy city.ÂÂ