Resident’s Rights Society appealed to the Legal Councilor of Prison Authorities in Israel to allow the female detainees to conduct the Tawjihi exam.

Following the appeal, the councilor ordered prison administration at Hasharon detention to enable the female detainees to register to the exam in order to conduct it.

Lawyer of the society, Sonia Bolos, appealed to the Israeli Legal Councilor on April 20, 2005, after several complaints were filed to the society following a decision by the ISP ‘Israeli Prison Administration’ barring the female detainees from their right to conduct the exam.

The complaints were filed through lawyer Taghreed Jahshan, member of “Women for Female Political Detainees”, and Wajeeha Qabarsa, member of “Women Union for Social Work”.

The ISP claimed that the detainees, who are not sentenced yet, are not allowed to conduct the exam.

Detainees Amneh Mona, from section 11, and Lena al-Jarbouni, section 12 in Hasharon detention, informed the administration several months ago, that they intend to conduct the exams which are scheduled for next June, but the administration claimed at that time that only detainees who were sentenced can apply to the exam.

Lawyer Bolos challenged the legality of the decision and said that ‘the fact the any person is imprisoned does not take his rights away, except his right of free movement’.

Also, lawyer Bolos added that this decision is considered a direct breech of basic rights of the detainees to live in dignity and receive the needed education.ÂÂ