29-year-old Awad Al-Hashash from Balata refugee camp was shot dead in an exchange of fire with Israeli soldiers in Nablus Wednesday afternoon.

Eyewitnesses in Nablus said that an Israeli special unit entered the city clandestinely and positioned itself in the ‘Al-Anabtawi Building’ in the center of the city.

As information about the unit spread across the city of Nablus, resistance fighters clashed with the unit. The unit responded with random fire.

As a result, 3 bystanders were injured in the clashes, two of them seriously.

Palestinian medical sources named the wounded as Ayman Abu Leil, 14; Mohammad Zablah, 19; and Nasser Eddin Shalabi 35.

Eyewitnesses said a large Israeli force entered the city after the clashes and surrounded the area to give cover to the special unit as they were evacuated. As a result, ambulances were not able to get to the scene and evacuate the wounded until the army left.

A Nablus resident told IMEMC over the phone that Al-Anabtawi building is host to several banks and NGO’s and that none of the resistance fighters wanted by the Army live there.