A Palestinian medical source in Dir al-Balah said that the fighter who was killed earlier on Friday, was identified as Mohammad Ribhi Baraka, 22, from Dir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip.

The fighter, member of al-Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, and two other fighters, exchanged fire with the army near Kfar Darom settlement; the two other fighters, members of Salah ed-Deen Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, managed to escape into Dir al-Balah.

Israeli army closed the Karni industrial zone shortly after the shooting, and claimed that it is still receiving intelligence information of intentions by resistance groups to carry more attacks in the area.

The Palestinian District Coordination office said that the army asked them to send a Palestinian ambulance in order to receive the body of the fighter.

Also, a senior military official said that the army will not raid Dir al-Balah in order to hunt the two fighters, adding that army will contact P.A security officials to track him down.

According to the Israeli Radio, Gaza brigade commander Col. Moti Kidor said Friday that Palestinian police and security spotted the fighters but conducted no efforts to prevent them from opening fire on Kfar Darom.

Palestinians resistance groups fired at least 10 homemade shells at Israeli settlements and military camps overnight throughout the Strip, Israel Radio reported.

On Friday afternoon, dozens of Kfar Darom settlers attempted to attack Dir al-Balah, after the firing of the homemade shells, and attempted to reach the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) building, where they said the fighters were hiding.

Army intercepted the settlers near the settlement and stopped their march, military officials ‘promised to meet with them and discuss the latest developments and security situation in the area’, army radio reported. 

Resistance fighter killed in the Gaza Strip

Friday at dawn, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian resistance fighter near Dir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli military sources report that the fighter exchanged fire with Israeli soldiers guarding Kfar Darom settlement.

They added that soldiers fired a tank shell at three fighters near the settlement after firing homemade shells from an abandoned home; one fighter was killed while the two other managed to escape.

Damage was reported to several buildings in the settlement.

The Army conducted searches and sweeps of the area in an attempt to locate the two fighters who are apparently in Dir al-Balah.

The Israeli Army commander in the central Gaza Strip area, Maj. Gen. Moti Kadur, said that the fighters had fired shells followed by automatic fire from several directions, and claimed that the three fighters used the roof of an UNRWA school to fire on the settlement.

Earlier on Friday, one homemade shell was fired at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot; there were no injuries.