Ahead of the summit that will join the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, scheduled for June 21, several diplomats are planning meet with both Palestinian and Israeli officials.

A Palestinian Political source said that chief of the Egyptian intelligence, Omar Suleiman will visit area for meetings with Palestinian and Israeli officials on June 18.  At the same time, U.S. secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice will be visiting the area as well to meet with both Abbas and Sharon separately prior to the summit.
On June 19, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, is slated to meet with the Palestinian and Israeli officials as well.
The source did not mention the specifics topics of the meeting, however, observers believe, the disengagement and disarming of the Palestinian resistance will have priority in their agendas in preparation for the summit.
Prior to this intensive diplomacy, the U.S. envoy’s Eliot Abrams, deputy National security advisor and assistant to Secretary of State, David Walsh will visit the Palestinian territories and Israel to prepare for Rice’s intended visit.
The source added that intensive communication is being held with the members of the Quartet, and some European Union countries in bid to revive the peace process and put it back on track to maintain the calm declared by the Palestinian factions.