Only a few thousand right-wing activists turned out for Monday’s demonstrations against the Gaza disengagement plan – far short of the 100,000 predicted by the Settlers Council, organizer of the protests.

In most locations, opponents of the withdrawal stood on the shoulders of major highways, with banners reading  “Stop—we must think again,”  and distributed orange ribbons and flyers to passers-by.

Only in two occasions did protestors attempt to block roads. Two teenagers were arrested on Geha Road near Tel Aviv, and there were some isolated incidents in Jerusalem.

The more massive protests took place at the Shaar Hagai juncition near Beit Shemesh, Latrun junction and at Moza Turn, near the entrance to Jerusalem.

Some supporters of the pullout plan staged counter-demonstrations. Peace Now activists stood at main intersections, distributing blue pro-pullout ribbons to drivers stuck in traffic. .

The aim of settlers’ protest was ‘to convince the Knesset and the government to rethink the disengagement program, and maybe even to push it off for time to reconsider,” said Rafi Ben Bassat, head of the Settlers Council’s action committee.