The Israeli police reported on Saturday that it will start deploying the “sixth ring” of disengagement forces, and will install dozens of roadblocks in the south of the country in an attempt to prevent pullout foes from reaching the Gush Katif settlement Bloc.

“Only residents of Gaza Strip and the Israeli security will be allowed through”, the source stated.

The Israeli security and police prepared six “rings” of forces in order to implement the Gaza pullout;

The first ting, which combines soldiers and policemen, will deal with removing settlers from their homes.

The second ring, only soldiers, is in charge of blocking the surrounding roads and preventing pullout foes from reaching.

The third and fourth rings, only soldiers, are set to protect the settlers and soldiers from “Palestinian attacks”.

The fifth ring, mostly soldiers, will be in charge of patrolling the “green Line” in order to prevent infiltration attempts from Gaza into Israel.

The sixth ring, only police officers, will be in charge of controlling traffic in the Western Negev area near the Gaza border, in order to prevent the pullout foes from entering the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi, said on Saturday in a program on Israel’s Channel two, that some 3000 pullout foes managed to infiltrate into the Gush Katif, but added that most of them will not be violent.

The Kissufim Crossing, between Israel and the Gaza Strip, will be closed to Israeli traffic on Sunday.

42.000 soldiers and Israeli police officers will be participating in the Gaza Pullout which will start on August 15; the total number of forces and volunteers involved in the pullout process could reach 53.000 if Israel enlists additional units. 


Disengagement schedule calls for a four-week operation, while the military establishment hopes it will be done in three weeks.

Israeli soldiers and police officers will start to heavily deploy into all settlements in the Gaza Strip, and to every home in the settlements in order to evacuate them.

The soldiers will mark the empty homes and informed the remaining settlers that they have 48 hours to evacuate – until the morning of august 17, 2005.

Any settler who chooses to remain in the settlements will be removed by force and risks losing 30% of his compensation.