Palestinian detainee in Al Damoun detention facility, north of the country, complained to lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Raed Mahameed, that one of the inner walls in the prison fell, which endangers their lives in the old prison.

Detainee Raed Bani-Odeh, from Jenin, said that the concrete is slowly falling from the roof as a result of humidity and old structure.

Israeli Prison Authorities decided to close Al Damoun in 1988 after it found that its structure is not safe, and emptied it in 1988, but the Israeli government reopened it after the beginning of Al Aqsa Intifada which inflamed late September 2000.

There are currently 240 detainees imprisoned in Al Damoun suffering bad living conditions, and rooms filled with bugs, humidity and cockroaches.

Each twelve detainees are placed in one room which is barely enough for 8, in addition to the bad ventilation system and the water which contains bugs and warms which makes it unfit for human use.

In a separate incident, lawyer of the Prisoners Society, Mohannad Al Kharraz, said that Israeli soldiers and interrogated attacked several residents in Salem military detention, near Jenin.

The detainees are also held in over-crowded rooms which lack proper ventilation.
