Detainee Ahmad Yousef Tameemy, from Ramallah, has been placed in Ramleh detention hospital over the last 12 years, suffering from kidney failure. Several detainees are complaining of medical neglect and bad treatment.

Tameemy, who was sentenced to a life term, needs a kidney implant; currently he goes through Kidney Dialysis three times a week.

Lawyer of the Society, Hanan Khateeb, said that Tameemy complained that the prison administration keeps delaying his implant since he was arrested which is sharply deteriorating his health condition.

Also, Lawyer of the Society, Maher Talhami, contacted Physicians for Human Rights in Israel, who managed to contact the Israeli Prison Authority, and informed them that Ahmad, the nephew of Tameemy, is a perfect mach for donation and expressed readiness to donate, but the authorities said that the operation will cost 66.000USD which should be covered by the detainee.

Detainee Tameemy appealed the Palestinian National Authority to interfere and to provide him with the needed amount in order to conduct the need medical operation. 

In Telmond detention facility, the prison authorities placed child detainee, Samer Abu Basma, 14, from Bethlehem, with Israeli prisoners held for criminal charges.

The Ministry of Detainees at the Palestinian Authority, and the Red Cross, demanded Israel to remove Abu Basma from Telmond especially after he was attacked by the prisoners, who also attempted to abuse him.

Detainee Ahmad Hussein Hashash, 17, informed lawyer Raed Mahameed that the conditions in Telmond are very bad, especially after the soldiers confiscated the electrical equipment which the detainees use, in addition to imposing high fines on them. 

Also, detainees in Hadarim detention facility complained to lawyer Hanan Khateeb that the administration is barring them from studying in the Open University, and that the soldiers are repeatedly breaking into their rooms and searching them, in addition to barring most of the detainees from their visitation rights.

Detainee Mohammad Jaradat, from Jenin, sentenced to 20 consecutive years, said that the detainees are deprived from their medication rights, and in many cases they have to wait for years in order to be operated.

Jaradat added that the doctors in the facility are not qualified, and that they only provide the detainees with painkilling pills, without any medical examination.

Detainee Murad Abu Sakout, who is suffering from cancer, is expected to be sent to an appeal court on Wednesday after the Prisoners Society filed an appeal to release him in order to be able to receive the needed medical treatment and support.

Abu Sakout is suffering from lung cancer, and is currently in a deteriorating health condition especially after contracting kidney failure and respiratory problems.