Alexander Rabinovitch, a resident of Haifa, was sentenced by the Israeli Haifa District Court for four years in jail for attempting to carry out attacks against Arab residents of Israel.

The Israeli online daily Haaretz, reported that Rabinovitch, 22, was found guilty of offences carried out in May, which included conspiring to assassinate Arab member of Knesset Issam Makhoul, from the Hadash-Ta’al party, and illegally obtaining and producing weapons.

Meanwhile, his accomplice and friend, Eliran Golan, is currently on trial for attempting to kill Israeli Arabs by planting eight bombs. 

The court have postponed the criminal proceedings against Golan a number of times in order to examine his mental state and decide if he is fit for trial.

Golan admitted to the charges against him, which also included attaching an explosive device to the bottom of Makhoul’s car.

Also, Golan was charged of involvement in activities against mixed Jewish-Arab families, and Jewish women who have relations with Arab men.

Rabinovitch is from a secular family that emigrated from Kiev to Haifa 12 years ago; he sent Alexander to a Yeshiva (Religious Jewish school) at which he was a student; Golan quit the Yeshiva at age 16.