The Jerusalem District Court decided on Tuesday that the state of Israel should pay Moam Federman, a right-wing extremist a sum on NIS 100.000 for what was described as “false arrest for alleged terrorist activity in recent years”. 

Judge Moshe Drori made his decision which is believed to mark the first time that someone has been paid for administrative detention or house arrest.

Yariv Oppenheimer, Peace Now chairman called on the Israeli State Prosecution to file an appeal against the decision. Oppenheimer warned against possible implications the ruling could have for Israeli far-rightists and for Palestinians held in administrative detention.

“This ruling is considered embarrassing and poor”, Oppenheimer said, “It could lead to legalizing the terrorist outlawed Kach movement”.

Also, Oppenheimer stated that hundreds of Palestinians were placed in administrative detention, and some spend several years, although they were never indicted. 

Federman is an extremist settler from Hebron, he was placed in administrative detention for eights months, and underwent several months of house arrest, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.


Israeli district court judges and judges of the Supreme Court repeatedly extended his detention orders based on secret testimonies.

Meanwhile, Federman charged that Israel is “hunting against right-wing activists”, and added that he intends to file charges against the security officers who arrested him. 

An Israeli court charged Federman more than three years ago for his role in attempting to detonate a bomb in 2002 at a school for girls in Al Tour area East of Jerusalem, and membership in a terrorist cell which planned the attack. 

An extremist settler, identified as Yarden Moragh was indicted of participation of the attempted bombing, and was sentenced to twelve years.

Federman was also charged of membership in a terrorist cell known as “Bat Ein”, in addition to position of illegal arms.

Drori acquitted Federman in May 2004 after the Israeli prosecution withdrew the indictment against him after a number of right-wing activists accused of involvement in the attempted bombing were acquitted.  

Federman is considered the leader of the outlawed Kach movement, and participated in several attacks against Palestinian residents in Hebron; he lives at an illegal settlement outpost in the old city of Hebron.