Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, threatened on Wednesday to shut down crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel, if the Palestinians don’t improve operations at the Gaza-Egypt border, and control its security.

"If it doesn’t improve and the Palestinians don’t cooperate, we will close the Erez and Karni crossings," Mofaz said Wednesday.
The statements of Mofaz came one day after a senior Hamas activist Fadel Zahhar, brother of Hamas leader, Mahmoud Zahhar returned to Gaza via the Rafah terminal on the Gaza-Egypt border.
Israel deported Zahhar to Lebanon in 1991.
Rafah border which is operated by Palestinians under the supervision of European monitors was officially reopened last week, as part of a U.S.-brokered deal on new border arrangements.
As part of the arrangements of operating the crossing, Israel is also to expedite the flow of Palestinian passengers and cargo at the Karni and Erez crossings between Gaza and Israel. In addition to surveillance cameras that are installed to enable the Israeli security officers to monitor passengers on the terminal.
Israel claims that once the Palestinians are in full control of the crossings they would allow Palestinian fighters and weapons to enter the Gaza Strip.