The Israeli high court issued, on Wednesday, an order instructing the army to halt the construction in a section of the Separation Wall that extends from Maaleh Adumim Settlement bloc to Jerusalem through the lands of Al Ezariyya Palestinian town, near Jerusalem.

Residents of Al Ezariyya said that the construction of Wall route on their lands will enclose the town, and stop its development and expansion.
The decision of the High Court will be effective until a final decision on the petition, filed by the residents, is reached.
Recently, South African professor of the International law John Doughard submitted a report to the United Nations on the Separation Wall Israel is constructing, east of Jerusalem.
Doughard said in this report that the number of Palestinians living in Al Ezariyya is 230.00, adding that the approved Israeli plan will separate 55 thousand residents after it is completed. 
The Wall will also separate additional 50.000 residents, who carry Israeli identity cards, from Jerusalem.
The residents are living in villages outside the municipal borders of Jerusalem; they moved their after being unable to find residences inside the city as a result of the Israeli restrictions on buildings, in addition to land grab policies.