On Thursday morning, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon emerged from surgery with vital signs showing proper levels, yet his general condition remained very serious, said Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, director of Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, in Jerusalem.

The surgery on Sharon started at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday and continued throughout the night in an effort to drain the blood from the brain and seal off the blood vessels.
He was reportedly taken out of the operation room at 4:45 a.m. and taken for tests. Sharon was quickly taken back into the room to stop additional hemorrhages.
Neurosurgeons had fought, during the several hours’ surgery, to stabilize Sharon’s condition and stop new bleeding detected in his brain.
He was rushed to hospital on Wednesday at night after suffering what was described as "far-reaching" stroke and massive brain hemorrhage.
Israeli TV Channel 2 said on Wednesday at night that Sharon was suffering from paralysis in his lower body.
The Israeli Ynetnews website reported that Sharon’s brain hemorrhage was stopped and he was taken to the intensive care unit.
The Ynetnews quoted a senior Hospital official saying that even in the most optimistic scenario; Sharon is expected to stay at the intensive care unit for a long time and later move on to a lengthy rehabilitation period.
Also, Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported that at around 5:30 A.M. Thursday, Sharon’s physician, Professor Bolek Goldman, left the hospital accompanied by Cabinet Secretary Yisrael Maimon and the prime minister’s political advisor, Erez Halfon.
Goldman had said Wednesday night that he expected Sharon "to emerge from surgery safely".
Haaretz quoted Prof. Mor-Yosef saying that they are still additional areas in Sharon’s condition that must be treated. "Sharon is currently sedated and depending on a respirator, he is in a grave condition", he added.
Sharon is also receiving medication to counter the bleeding, and the drugs he is receiving would take several hours to have the needed effect.
On the political level, Sharon’s ministerial authority was transferred to the Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who called for an emergency cabinet meeting at 9 A.M on Thursday.
The cabinet convened for an emergency meeting at 9 A.M, the cabinet meeting was attended by the Kadima and Likud minister whose resignation was postponed. 
Olmert told the cabinet that the government will carry on running the country and "pray for good news from the hospital".
During the meeting, Sharon’s chair at the center of the long oval table remained empty.
Israeli Justice Minister, Tzipi Livni, told reporters following the short cabinet meeting, that "the message the cabinet is sending is that the government is functioning".
Livni added that she will do everything in her power to help the acting Prime Minister "reach the right decisions". 
Meanwhile, Israeli radio reported, on Thursday morning, that Likud Party Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu decided, on Thursday morning, to postpone the resignation of his Likud ministers from government in light of the poor health of Sharon.
Close aides to Netanyahu said that he decided to support the interim PM Ehud Olmert and remain in the government.
Sharon in critical condition, undergoing surgery for intra-cranial bleeding
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies, Thursday January 05, 2006,  01:00
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, was rushed into surgery at Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, late on Wednesday at night, after intra-cranial bleeding was detected, following what doctors described as a "significant stroke.", Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.
There was no immediate assessment of the damage Sharon may have suffered, but doctors assessed that Sharon’s chances of recovery may not be high.
Senior Israeli health officials said Sharon’s condition was life-threatening.
Meanwhile, Israeli Cabinet Secretary, Yisrael Maimon, said that the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, has taken over the ministerial authority.
Director of Hadassah hospital, Dr. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, said that Sharon suffered a significant stroke, adding that he is currently under "anesthetic and receiving breathing assistance".
Sharon was taken to the operating room after suffering a massive stroke, Dr. Shmuel Shapira of Hadassah Hospital told the Israeli TV Channel 2.
A few minutes later, Mor-Yosef emerged to say that initial tests showed Sharon had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding inside his brain.
The first international response to Sharon condition came from The White House, when the U.S. National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones said "our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family".
Likud party leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that he was praying for the wellbeing of Sharon, and the success of his treatment.
Also, Shas Party head, member of Knesset, Eli Yishai, said his party’s spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, was praying for Sharon.
Several members of Knesset and party leaders expressed wishes for the recovery of Sharon.
Sharon rushed to hospital
Saed Bannoura-IMEMC & Agencies – Wednesday, 04 January 2006, 23:38
Israeli sources reported, late on Wednesday at night, that the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, was rushed to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital, in Jerusalem, on orders of his personal doctor, after feeling unwell.
Close aides to Sharon said that he us conscious, but the doctors prepare for a possible another stroke. Transferring Sharon to hospital comes on the evening of his scheduled angioplasty.
A senior Israeli medical source reported that Sharon actually suffered another stroke, but the report was not officially confirmed.
Sharon was admitted to the hospital at around 11 p.m.; he was transferred to the trauma unit where he will undergo initial tests by a team of experts called in to the hospital.
He is expected to be under an MRI scan. Sharon is also accompanied by his personal doctor.
Israeli online daily, Ynetnews, reported that Sharon’s doctor was urgently called to the private residence Sharon in the Sycamore Ranch, in the south.
Sharon’s convoy rapidly made its way to Jerusalem; Sharon reportedly fully conscious and doing well when transferred. However, medical staff are preparing for the possibility the PM suffered another stroke.
Sharon is expected to undergo a series of tests once he arrives at the hospital to determine his current state, the Ynetnews added.
Sharon was also scheduled to undergo a cardiac catheterization Thursday at the Jerusalem hospital under full anesthesia.
The Ynetnews added that Israeli Cabinet Secretary, Yisrael Maimon, and Attorney General, Menahem Mazuz, decided that Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Finance Minister, will stand in for Sharon while he is under anesthetization.
The anesthetization is scheduled to last 40 minutes, and the surgery will take another 40 minutes. The entire procedure is scheduled to last three hours, the Ynetnews added.