Khaled Mashal, one of the senior leaders of Hamas movement, who is based in Syria, phoned the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Thursday, and told him that Hamas is ready for a political partnership with Fateh party.

By early Thursday morning it became clear the Hamas movement won all of the 66 electoral districts seats.  
Mashal, said that the movement stresses on the importance of meeting with Abbas, "the brothers in Fateh movement, and all Palestinian factions, in order to agree on "arranging the Palestinian house".
Earlier on Thursday, a senior official of the Fateh party called Ismail Haniyya, Hamas leader in Gaza, and congratulated him on the movement’s victory.   
"Hamas is planning to hold talks with Fateh in an attempt to create political partnership", Haniyya said, "We want to start consultations with Abbas, Fateh and other parties".   
According to the Israeli radio, Abbas met with Fateh officials in order to convince them to "accept the outcome of the elections and keep public order".  
The Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper reported that a senior Hamas official said that the movement does not intend to recognize Israel or hold talks with it.  
Earlier on Thursday, Palestinian Cabinet members submitted their resignations following the clear hams victory.
Palestinian Prime Minister, Ahmad Qorei, said that the step comes in order to set the stage for Hamas.   
The resignation itself is a normal formality which comes after the elections, yet the timing of the step, which came hours before the release of the final results, was surprising.
Meanwhile, an Israeli security source reported that it is clear for Israel that a powerful Hamas, heading the P.A is not in the interest of Israel, and reduces the chances of security cooperation with the Palestinians.
The source added that the results of the elections could cause "an escalation in the security situation".  
Also, Israeli Security minister, Shaul Mofaz, stated that Israel will not hold any talks with Hamas unless it disarms, recognizes Israel and changes its political agenda.   
Any future talks between Hamas and Israel could be held indirectly through a third party, most likely a European country.   
The acting Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, will hold a security meeting on Thursday with the Israeli security minister Shaul Mofaz, and the Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to discuss the aftermath of the Palestinian legislative elections.