Israeli soldiers, supported by armored vehicles, invaded on Friday night after midnight, Tulkarem and its refugee camp and arrested one fighter of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the military wing of Fateh, one youth was also arrested during the invasion.Several fighters exchanged fire with the army after invading Tulkrem and arresting the fighter, soldiers also fired rounds of live ammunition at houses in the area.

The clashes were mainly concentrated in the western neighborhood of Tulkarem after the army invaded it; several explosions were heard, no injuries were reported.

Also, soldiers invaded Tulkarem refugee camp and conducted military searches of homes.

One youth, identifed as Mus’ad Abu Al Teen, 18, was also arrested after soldiers broke into his house in Ertah area, south of Tulkarem.

On Thursday, soldiers uprooted dozens of trees in Kafer Al Lobbad village, east of Tulkarem; the uprooting of the treas was carried in preparation to construct a section of the annexation wall there.