The first edition of the “Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press”, which will be awarded by the Delegation of the European Commission in Lebanon, with the participation of the Samir Kassir Foundation, is open to candidates.
This award, intended to perpetuate the commitment of the journalist and writer Samir Kassir to the Rule of Law, awards:

– 1 journalist (radio, television, written press and/or online) citizen of a MEDA Country, whose reportage, prepared between January 1, 2005 and April 15, 2006, pertains to the Rule of Law. The award amounts to euro 15,000.

– 1 young researcher, under 26 years of age and citizen of a MEDA country, whose research, prepared in 2004 or 2005, is related to the Rule of Law or the Freedom of the Press. The award amounts to euro 10,000.

The award shall be given on June 2, 2006 in Beirut.

The jury shall be composed of 9 voting members, from media and civil society, and one observer member, representative of the Delegation of the European Commission.

The voting members are the following: One representative of the written press of a MEDA country, one representative of the written press of an EU Member country, one representative of a radio of a MEDA country, one representative of a radio of an EU Member country, one representative of a television of a MEDA country, one representative of a television of an EU Member country, one representative of the Samir Kassir Foundation, one representative of a Lebanese civil society association and one representative of an European civil society association.

The names of the jury members shall be communicated at the close of deliberations to be held in May 2006.

Information for candidates:

The contest regulations, application forms, and details of the candidature file are available at the following websites:

A telephone line and an e-mail address are also available to candidates:
Hotline:  + 961 3 276 499

It is imperative that candidates send their files not later than April 15, 2006 to the following address:

Candidates residing in Lebanon:

Delegation of the European Commission in Lebanon
490 Harbor Drive bldg. – Charles Helou av.
Saifi – Beirut

Candidates residing abroad:

Delegation Lebanon
European Commission
200 rue de la Loi B-1049
Brussels – Belgium

Regulations of the contest

Regulations for journalists’ award

The contest is open to all journalists (television, radio, on-line and/or print media), regardless of age, and national of one of the MEDA countries.
Candidates have to submit a report related to the rule of law, published or broadcast in a media organisation of one of the MEDA countries or one of the European Union Member States between January 1st, 2005 and April 15th, 2006.
Candidates can only apply for one category and on an individual basis (team works shall not be accepted).

The format of the report submitted for the contest has to be as follows: 20,000 characters maximum for on-line and/or print media; 40 minutes maximum for radio; 52 minutes maximum for television.

The winner shall be awarded EURO 15,000.
The European Commission can reproduce and publish the awarded report in its own publications (non commercial) and in the promotional material of the Samir Kassir Award.

Members of the jury, the European Commission and MEDIAN company are excluded from the contest.

Regulations for young researchers’ award

The contest is open to students less than 26 years old (born at the latest on June 2nd, 1980), citizens of a MEDA country and registered at a public or private university of the MEDA countries or one of the European Union Member States.

Candidates shall submit a research document (dissertation or thesis) addressing the rule of law or freedom of the press, carried out in 2004 or 2005.

Applications must be individual and team works shall not be accepted.
The winner shall be awarded EURO 10,000

The European Commission can reproduce and publish the document awarded in its own publications (non commercial) and in the promotional material of the Samir Kassir Award.

Members of the jury, the European Commission and MEDIAN company are excluded from the contest.